Class Clown 2

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Chapter 2

-The V Word-

Dex's eyes were open wide "... how--" I cut him short, yelling "I saw you from her window... My friend Fawn... There was blood and fangs..." There was a silence, Dex smirked, his hair covering his eyes "so now you know the truth... seems now..." He brushed his hair away, revealing his eyes that were glowing bright yellow and revealed his pearly fangs in a soft grin "...I have to do what I must. I can't just let you waltz around, knowing the truth." He stepped closer, teasingly.

Out of fear I stepped back with my fingers made into a cross, I trembled and screamed "STAY BACK!" Dex shoosh's her with a chuckle and lowers my hands, the makeshift cross not working. I stepped back till a wall stopped me from stepping back any further. He smiled slyly and placed his hand on the side of my neck, my black choker covering it completely. "This is in my way... I guess I'm gonna have to cut it off." He got his sharp black claws right under it and sliced it off. Instantly, his eyes widened, it had looked like he was awake yet not present in his mind, wild looking.

Quickly and without hesitating he hissed and attacked me, holding me to the wall.

I tried to kick, I tried to scream but I was too in shock, no noise could escape my lips. As fast as he had become so feral, he bit down onto my neck. I gasped sharply at the tremendous amount of pain and began to hyperventilate.

Tears streaming from my eyes. My body felt so cold and weak but my neck was warm and throbbing. Before I knew it... I had passed out.

I later woke up to a bright light shining in my face, I stirred a bit before slowly trying to sit up. "What in the...." As my eyes adjust I was greeted by a smiling doctor, the infirmary doctor to be exact, and off to the side was Dex.... I froze at the sight of him, my fear surfacing again.

Dex at first was looking at me with concern but then looked away, looking hurt. ".... Look... I .... I'm sorry.." He said, getting up and leaving immediately.

The Doctor frowned but then smiles at me, his red hair was a bit shaggy and his eyes were a bright green. He looked very kind and around his thirties.

"I guess I have some things to explain." He began "I'm Dr. McCoy. I am Dexter's adopted father."

I reached up to feel my neck. There was a big bandage over the sore bite mark. "What happened" the Doc chuckled "well, you were bit. I'm well aware that Dex is a vampire. I've actually been trying to find a replacement for the blood in his diet but so far nothing is really doing a big impact." I tremble a little at the "v" word... it was true... "Bit... That doesn't mean that--" "you have nothing to worry about. You're not changing. I had already checked on that. Dexter carried you all the way here... He was so very upset... He thought that he may have changed you or worse, killed you... He waited here for six hours until now when you woke up. He needed to know if you were okay." I had no idea, suddenly I was the one feeling bad for him.... "Really.... My friend though..," the Doc smiled "Fawn? She's fine. Dex slips up time to time..... His hunger has been getting worse... She's perfectly fine. I cleared her memory and sent her to her dorm." "Her memory?" I replied in confusion "Hypnosis. I'm well educated in the art of psychology. Now I could have erased your memory but... You are not only immune to vampire venom but hypnosis...... I thought maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. With another person protecting his secret, I wouldn't have to constantly worry." Me?! I didn't know about this. Reluctantly I answered "... Maybe... I gotta get going I guess... I need to take a walk.... All of this... it's a bit much...." The Doc smiled, glad she didn't say no "okay.... Dex is really a good boy... He's struggling with having friends and class... Not to mention all the trouble he's getting in to..... He's going through a bad phase... I'm very concerned." I nod and slowly stands, feeling dizzy from loss of blood. I take easy steps to the exit, nodding to the Doc "I'll be seeing you later... Bye" "goodbye" he said back with a little wave before I left. Dex had always been a jerk, ever since Elementary school... but maybe him acting like that had to do with something a bit more.... I hoped nothing else would come up between us but... I also kinda wished it did.... I didn't know why though.... I guess I have my own questions for him too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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