It's Debut Day!🎤

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(Play song while you read)
Other Students:*watching and cheering*
Misaki:*excited*I can't wait for our turn!
Shi:Me too!
Misaki:*smiles*Were gonna do great!
"Just as they were feeling their best"
Satsujin:*walks over to them*How ya' doing losers? haha!
Misaki: -3- Oh,Great.
Shi:Look what the cat dragged in. -3-
Shoji:*Doesn't care*
Maria:*walks over to them*Dont talk to my brother like that you bimbo! *stares down Shi*
Shi:EXCUSE ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!!
Shoji:*Shoji intensifies*
Misaki:You shouldn't be talking.
Maria:Who was talking to you?
Satsujin:Your all a bunch of losers,nobody cares about you. People are only gonna listen to you sing because they have to since it's Debut day!
Alexa:Stop fighting...
Misaki:*feels bad*...
Shi:Catch Me Outside,How Bow Dah! *sassy hair flip*
Shoji:*pushes Them back*Shoo Flies. Your wasting our time! Your existence is starting to annoy me.
Satsujin & Maria:hmph *walks on Stage with Iggy and Ryen*
Alexa:Good luck Ryen!
Ryen:*has an annoying smirk on his face as usual*
(Play song and when song finishes or when you don't want to listen anymore continue to read)

Students:*cheering and clapping*
Shi:Hmph *walks on Stage with Alexa following*
Misaki:...*looks upset*
Shoji:*looks at Misaki and Smiles*C'mon *drags him on stage*
Announcer:Everyone please welcome from room 707...Rozario Lush? Is that right? It is? Yeah. Rozario Lush!!
(Play Song and continue to read when it's done)
Shoji:(top left)
Shi:(bottom left)
Misaki:(bottom right)
Alexa:(top right)

Students:*screaming,clapping and cheering*
Announcer:They look like a new fan favorite don't they now!?
Shoji:*Doesn't smile*
Misaki:...*still looks upset*
"They made their big debut. Now what would be next for our Star Children? Only Time Will Tell."

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