I was tagged >_>

8 1 3

Last song I listened to?
the entire Hamilton soundtrack. The one I stopped at was Non-stop

Last movie I watched?
A series of unfortunate events

Favorite Wattpader?
I have a few to pick from so I can't choose

Fav video game?
The last guardian

What time is it?
8:02 am

How many hours of sleep last night?
10 1/2 hours. I love to sleep

Top three fandoms?
1. Hamilton
2. Boku no hero academia/ any current anime I'm obsessed over
3. Rangers Apprentice

Things you like to do on Wattpad?
Roleplay (currently part of none or they are dead pls help) and bother Seby



I apologize I have no frens but all of you are my favorite wattpaders

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