
I was sitting in the back of the Amystika club just thinking about what type of blood Lucille and I wanted to taste next after having a few drinks I headed out for just random scouting there were so many potential females that needed a permanent change in their life, and I had all the time in the world to do it in, but what type and what girl to choose way too many decisions. I suddenly felt a slight tingle run down my neck and turned around to see the perfect target, another rich and slutty blond celebrity that I knew of and despised, her fucking music sucked. The lovely and trashy Britney Spears, that name would go down in the history books right there rich celebrity pop star killed by the unknown psycho killer that never was caught he was the one killer that got away every time.

Beens she looked totally wasted already, I decided to give her a little charm and a lot of sexual leaning toward her, hopefully, I'd be the rich bitches type. I walked up behind her and brushed up against her, she spun around ready to slap me, but as soon as she saw my face she instantly changed her mind, smiled at me, and asked me to do that again. I moved very close to her, and asked her if she was going to be busy for the next few hours she looked around and said she'd have to pick up her kid at the daycare at 4:30 but until then she was very free, and very available, especially for someone as sexy as me. I told her she was too kind, and she unlocked her vehicle door and told me to hop in as soon as she got in, she drove to a private alley then stopped, went into the back seat then pulled me in back with her. she said this would have to do for her fiance was at home. She had my ass stripped in seconds I thought to myself that I was doing her fiance a favor treacherous bitch.

I had to admit she was quite the hellcat in the sack, but I really loathed her irritating voice so I grabbed my bandanna and playfully gagged her, and kept riding her hard and heavy she was gagged and tied as I was having my way with her which she rather enjoyed a little too much I think, but I quickly saw the difference in her eyes when she saw me pull out Lucille. by the way she looked at me, I think she might have realized who I was from all the reports and news on the television and radio's but as she tried to scream I stabbed her over and over again. Lucille just didn't want to stop, she looked like a pincushion by the time Lucille was done. I jumped up and wiped the blood off of me, and Lucille, then I got out of the car and smiled at myself, and said very devilishly, Oops, I did it again, with a lot of laughing. Thankfully though she won't be doing it ever again. I headed for the nearest diner for all that work made me very hungry.

I saw Four Brother's Pizza parlor down the street from me and said that would do very nicely, it was my absolute favorite food. I ordered a large meat lover's pizza with extra cheese and a beer. I sat in the furthest booth and enjoyed my noon meal. I noticed two officers walk into the parlor it was the same two that were after me of all people, but sadly they just didn't get it. I decided to play a little bit after that time with Britney put me in a very good mood.

I asked them if I could sit with them for I really admired the police, and their services to the city not only did I eat with them, but I bought their meal for them they thanked me and I even placed the tip on their table and told them to keep up the great work and hoped that they found that maniac soon for I was quite worried about some of my family being the possible next victims of that monster, then as the female cop told me not to worry, that they were on top of it. I kind of thought to myself that she would really make an interesting target but for as suspicious as she was. I decided to find my jollies elsewhere so I got up and told them bye and good luck.

I went out the door and put my sunglasses on and laughed a lot as I left those cops they were so far behind it was rather pathetic their killer just paid for their meal and had a good conversation with them, and they didn't know anything about me even though the red-headed/mohawk cop gave me a recognition look but that was because I was the one he saw at my third crime scene but it would sink into him sooner or later, 'FUCK', much sooner cuz here he comes. He came up to me and asked me if I was following them, I said not at all, I was just curious about the case for I was afraid for my little sister and my mom, she was a single mom and very good-looking for her age, and I just wanted to know if you had him found or caught yet, he looked at me and said not yet but eventually, he said they would I told him I really hoped so for he's been killing so many innocent girls and he deserves to be punished for his crimes. 

The female cop came out and added not to worry for when they did catch him, he would pay dearly for all his heinous crimes, especially to those poor teenage girls, that hadn't had the chance to really experience life yet. I shook my head in total agreement, while on the inside Lucille really wanted to just kill them both right then and there but I held myself back, told them goodbye once more, and headed back to the Amystika Club so I could watch more exotic sluts dance and striptease while listening to very good music, then maybe if I found the time I might just get a few winks of sleep before I go in search of my next group of poor defenseless damsels in deep distress for one last night of extreme love, for the price of my love was to die for.

~In The Eye Of The Beholder~(Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now