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(Rachel's P.O.V.)

I was still arguing the point over with Sully about putting an undercover female detective, but Sully said not after what happened with the unmarked squad yesterday for they had an anonymous tip on who the killer might be, and when they tried to get close to the guy he figured the guy out immediately and exposed the man's wires then gave the hidden officers the bird, then walked away. Klayton looked at Sully and said what undercover team and what tip! for they didn't get any word of anyone putting a tip out on our killer's potential identity.

Sully said it was done while we were on our day off as he showed us the video of the op that went way south. Klayton and I both recognized the guy instantly I looked at Sully and said he was the possible killer. Sully looked at the screen and said that's who the anonymous tipper pointed out to them yesterday. Klayton looked very closely at him again as if trying to read him through the image. I told them why would a man as gorgeous as him be a killer, but Klayton quickly disagreed with me and said he didn't force any of the females to sleep with him they did it because they were all attracted to him so it made sense for the killer to be very handsome to the females, usually, it was the handsome men, that had serious mental issues or was taken or was homosexual, but in his case, he was just a crazy ass sexual assassin.

I told Klayton we didn't know if he was even the killer or not for we didn't have any leads or solid proof. Sully jumped in and said he ran the image through all the government files, and nothing came back from it, that this guy legally didn't exist. As soon as Klayton heard Sully say that he turned and said he was the murderer and we had to find him now. Klayton quickly grabbed his gun and ran out the doors. I grabbed my piece and followed after him still not believing that he could be the killer for he was so calm and sane when he talked to us both a week ago at the pizza parlor, he even paid for our meal. Klayton looked at me and said exactly, he was very good at leading people on and playing twisted mind games with them.

He drove off and we both went on the search for our killer with everything unknown, but at least we had a face to go by and he did show himself to us a few times. We went to the Pizza parlor in hopes that we would spot him but after sitting there for hours Klayton said it was a no-show, then pulled out and headed to a different location.

Meanwhile, Crisstopher was watching their every move from the roof of the Amystika club with Chicklet sitting at his feet. He took a final drag from his cigarette and tossed it over the edge of the building. Then gave us a grin and said to himself that they weren't smart enough then went back down to his room with Chicklet, and laid back down, deciding to wait on his next sexual/killing adventure until things cooled down a little. Klayton was now getting tired of all the runaround bullshit, called Sully, and asked him who the informer was that told him about the killer and where could we find him. Sully gave him Roli's name, then his address and wished us luck, and hung up. Klayton looked at me and asked me if I was in the mood for an old-fashioned interrogation.

I told him I was ready for anything for this was the first real lead we had since the beginning. We pulled up into the parking lot of the run-down apartment complex and went to room 113. After several times knocking on the door, a short guy with long hair came out and asked what we wanted. I asked him if he was Roli after he said yes, Klayton walked him into his room, sat him down, sat beside him, and asked him to tell him all about this killer we were after. Roli hesitated, and said he wasn't even sure if he was the killer or not. but his name was Crisstopher and he was quite the sociopath, schizophrenic, and fearless, not to mention he was crazier than a sack full of cats with the delusion of being invincible, and a true lady's man. He has always been really charming with the ladies, but he never emotionally let himself get close to them, for he loved them, but hated them at the same time.

I asked him how long he knew Crisstopher, Roli looked at both of us and said no one ever truly knows Crisstopher for he was always changing and very unpredictable. But then he added that he met him 3 years ago, that he was a drifter and came to him and asked him for a place to stay, and in return, he did him a few favors and once he met his calling he disappeared for a long time, then he ran into him just a few weeks ago, and the way he was acting he wasn't really happy to see him like he had interrupted him in something important, but all he was doing was flirting with some blond chick, but now that Crisstopher caught him wearing the cop's wire he was afraid for his life, and the cops he was trying to help said they couldn't help him, for the last thing that Crisstopher said to him, was that paybacks were a bitch.

Klayton looked over at me and asked me if I still had any doubts about him not being the killer. I  asked Roli one last question before we left, has he ever seen Crisstopher violent, or if he's ever seen him threaten to kill or attempt to kill anyone? Roli looked at us both and said he's killed many, but it was all from hearsay, nothing that he's ever witnessed he did add that he did have a favorite knife he loved to carry around with him, he loved it so much that he even gave it a name, Lucille. Klayton asked him if he knew what type of knife it was, Roli looked at both of us and said it was a specially made Butterfly knife with red ivory handles with a dagger-like blade and he always kept it razor sharp. Klayton said it was a perfect description of Duckie's weapon of choice, which was used on every single victim we both left the complex in a hurry to find this Crisstopher before anyone was killed by him but just as we left, Crisstopher came out of nowhere and was standing right behind Roli, all Roli heard was two words, 'hi buddy' then there was blackness gushing with red then Crisstopher disappeared back into the shadows.

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