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BOOM!!! That was the loudest gun shot I have ever heard. After a few seconds I realize I'm still standing, he must of had terrible aim because I haven't moved a muscle, at this moment everything feels like slow motion. As I look towards my crew all I see is them running away from the red car, without even thinking I grab my strap and let it rip!! I take off running with my homies, every few seconds I would pull the trigger randomly behind me to make sure the car was gone.
After what felt like hours, we all stop, out of breathe, we look around and realize we ran to Dex's house. After three minutes of running we hear sirens so we decide to invite our selfs in Dex's apartment's living room.
"WHAT THA FUQ WAS DAT!!??" I yell to break the awkward silence.
"Tha Fuck Ya mean, You know dam well it was dem whack ass GD's" replied Dre, another BDA member, who just witnessed everything I have.
"Aye I recognized the driver," says JJ while hugging his left arm into his chest to apply pressure to the wound, a bullet jus grazed his forearm, just hard enough to cut his skin open, this isn't the worst he's been shot but it still hurts like hell. I've never been shot and I like it that way.
"How?" I answered, anger in my voice, for some reason I still smell gun smoke, it smells like I'm still in the battle field.
"He da cat from the funeral shooting, I guess he didn't like us fucking up his plans," JJ replies with a tone of humor as he flops on Dex's couch with the rest of the homies, all except me, I'm just to pissed to sit, to pissed to even think straight.

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