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Everyone -even you, dear reader- has broken the law somehow. Whether it's from driving through a red light to vandalising public property, to even straight up killing someone. Yeah, that's right, I see you.

But, then again, laws are silly little things, aren't they? For example, it is illegal to die in Westminster Abbey, or, the penalty for jumping off a building in New York, is death. In Texas, (only in Texas), it is illegal to sell one's eye, or in California, bathhouses are against the law. I could go on and on, but really, these laws are just suggestions, aren't they? But, if you are going to attempt to break one of these so called laws, you are going to need help. More specifically, my help. 

So, here I am, a private criminal, or criminal consultant. I help with crimes; from get-away-drivers to hacking courses to how to stab someone with an icicle. Hell, I will even help with adultery (which is against the law in New York). It all comes at the right price.

Need any help? Find my website on the dark web, and contact Solange Southwood, the one and only, Private Criminal.

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