Chapter 1

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The weekend
"Hey, you ready?" Zach asked.
"Yeah, just give me time to get this stupid suitcase zipped up." I say jumping on it.
"Well Charlie is about to be at the school."
"Why am I even going? I'm not in youth anymore."
"Yeah, well blame Wesley for this."
"Ugh! I'm never gonna get this thing shut. It's hopeless!"
"That's not true let me try."
"No, I'm not decent! You can't come in!"
"Then get decent because I'm coming in so we can leave." He says opening the door.
"Wait!" I shriek. "I finally got it. Now go before I kill you for walking in on me."
"Yes ma'am." He says, and I can tell he's smirking on the other side of the door.
                     ~30 minutes later~
"Have fun in New Orleans!"
"Ok, Zach I will!" He gave me a quick peck on my cheek and I loaded into Charlie's car. "Oh, and don't forget to text your mom."
"I won't. Promise."
"Ok. She wanted me to remind you."
"Of course she did." I rolled up the window and we were on our way.
"So why are you going as a helper? You aren't in youth either?"
"Because someone had to look after you. We talk all the time. Plus they needed another male and I was the first male in your favorites which means I'm trust worthy with the youth group."
"That's not true now is it?"
"Nope. It isn't. Now do you wanna play some music so our conversations don't get all weird like they used to?"
"No, we've both grown up since then. It's been a year. I don't think we'll be talking about that again."
"I hope not."
"It wasn't that bad. And you know it."
"Plus, you started that conversation."
"Also true." He said gathering a mischievous smirk on his face.
It took forever and a day to get to New Orleans, but it was so much fun talking to Charlie the whole way. We don't talk much now that his best friend is Ella. She's the reason our friendship was ruined. We used to be best friends, but now we hate each other. All because she got jealous of Charlie and my relationship. It wasn't even getting anywhere, but she could 'see the changes'  that others couldn't. Ugh I can't stand her now. She's gonna kill me just for being in the car with him. It's not like they're dating. He wouldn't stoop to that level. My thoughts were interrupted by Charlie coughing to get my attention.
"What?" I asked a little annoyed.
"You look really mad. Just making sure you were ok."
"I'm peachy. Unlike someone I know is gonna be when she finds out where I am. Oops, did I say she, and give it away?" I said as hostile as possible.
"Maya, sooner or later you two will have to make up because I care about you both so I'll be around both of you."
"Earlier did you say because we talk a lot. We never talk."
"Oh, well I might have made that part up, but they did say I was the first favorite guy."
"Yeah, well don't get used to it. I just forgot it was you is all. I'll change it when we get to the hotel."
"Don't do that." Charlie wined. "I won't tell her. Please, I enjoy thinking that I'm your 'favorite' guy." He started to chuckle, but I just glared at him.
"It's not funny."
"Yeah, it kinda is, but whatever we're here!"
"No we aren't. This is not a hotel."
"I didn't say we were at a hotel I said we were here."
"An where exactly is here?"
"The mall. You need some Charlie time, seeing as how we never get to have any. Plus it won't be interrupted."
"Um. Ok, so where are we going?"
"David's Bridal."
"What?" I scream without thinking. "Nobody is getting married that I'm aware of!"
"We aren't gonna buy anything. You can just try on dresses, and I can try on tuxes and we can see what goes together. I got the idea from Zach, if you think it's a bad one."
"I mean as long as we aren't buying anything I gue-"
"Yes! I knew it would work. You guys are getting pretty close anyway, so this might be a good idea anyway."
"Wait. He gave you this idea, and you're saying this. Oh, no I don't want him to propose. I can't marry him."
"Wait, what?"
"I don't like him anymore. I just can't ever tell him. I try, but I just don't get the words to come out."
"Ok. I'll try to talk him out of it, but if not, prepare to hurt him."
"Gee, thanks." I said as sarcastic as possible.
"Ok, let's go bff!"

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