Chapter 3

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Knock, knock, knock.
'Ugh, if whoever it is knocks one more time. I swear I'm gonna kill them. Well maybe not kill, but I'll definitely hurt them.' I think to myself as I open the door.
"Sleep well, Princess?"
"Well just why not?"
"Because you kept me up with your loud music!" I snapped.
"Well, I say." Charlie said putting his hand on his chest in a sarcastic manor. "That's obscured."
"No. It's not, you clearly were up until three flipping am! You know I go to bed at ten thirty, that's why I'm so cranky!"
"Well then all our plans for today will be cancelled, but we still have to go out with the youth group."
"Do we have to? I mean, if you tell them I'm sick and you'll have to stay and take care of me, I think they'll understand."
"You want me to lie?"
"It wouldn't technically be a lie. I don't feel good, and out of everyone here, I would only trust you to take care of me. And that's saying a lot." I say the last part softer hoping he wouldn't hear.
"Then ok. I'll be back to 'check on you' in just a second. "
"Ok. It worked. They went out without us. They said to tell you hope you're better by tomorrow because that's when we go to the French Market. You can shop, while I eat."
"How comforting. I'll be all alone in New Orleans. If I get mugged or raped, or even kidnapped. I'll go after you and kill you."
"You really think you'll be alone?"
"Well.... Yes."
"No, no, no. Some youth members will be with you."
"Oh thank heavens." I say as I wipe the fake sweat from my forehead.
"Now get some rest, I'll be back in here with lunch."
"Ok. Thanks."
"No problem. Love you." He says closing the door.
Wait did he just say that? He did! He just said he loved me. No he doesn't, does he? I'm overthinking this. He was just being nice. I hope.

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