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Okay, so this is an authors note, not an update

If you read my story reguarly, then please read this. 

This story has 311 reads!! which is crazy, and makes me ecstatic. thanks to everyone who read it 

however.. my last chapter only has 2 so read that please?

so i wanted to say, school has started again, meaning that even though i dont usually update reguarly, i'll be updating even less frequently. i'm really sorry, but homework and my dance comes before this, apologies to anyone whose actually reading this story.. 

also, if you have any questions for me, put them in the comments and i'll do 1 or 2 at the end of every chapter. they can be questions about me, like what sports do i like, my nicknames, what books, etc. they can also be questions about the characters, like idk, whats going to happen to aurora & julian or aurora & blair, tbh i got no idea. you can ask anything. 

not sure if anyone is gonna ask anything, but it'd kinda mean a lot to me :p

ok, thanks for reading this, have a good day :) 

oh and i also love it when people inbox me on here and randomly chat, if you'd like to then that'd be cool 


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