Chapter 2: Wait what?!

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Slowly I opened my eyes. As darkness still was developing me I slowly came to common sense. Heavily I opened my eyes. My eyelids still heavy from the impact of. Of what actually? I don't even know what happened. The ground felt hard. Defiantly not my house. It wasn't a wood hard like the floors at my house. It was stone hard and cold.

"Uggh" a groan escaped me as I tried to slowly stand up. I looked around me. Only to see dirty walls sprayed with gravity. "Jeez just what the bloody hell happened to me". I said now kind of irritated.

I suddenly heared a noice coming from the corner of the alleyway I found myself in. It was an animal, a dog to be exact. The dog sounded like it was really big and strong. As it came out of the corner though, it just turned out to be a little cute dog. Covered in beautiful white fur.

I soon already found myself lowering my body to the dog's level. "Hey little one what are you doing here". Am I dreaming? This all seems just so weird. So unrealistic.

"SKITTLES, HEY SKITTLES WHERE ARE YOU?". A loud male voice suddenly startled me making me jump a little.

I looked to the corner where the dog came from not long ago. As I did so slowly  a handsome man came into my eyesight. He was stunning. He was.... HE WAS JIN?! Ohhhh nooo, no no no. I'm sure that I'm dreaming now. Yeah this is not real. Is it?! It seems real. Since when did Jin get a dog anyways?! I stalk  bts everyday I would know I mean-. Calm down calm down. That's not the point right now.

"Ahh there you are". The man, I mean Jin. Slowly walks to me picking the dog up. Me, still in shock of meeting Jin just now. Was starring at him  like the  creepy idiot I am."Uhm, thanks for taking care of my dog uhh". Finally snapping to my sense again I quickly answered. "Asa, my name is Asa". I gulped down the nervousness that previously clearly was to hear in my voice. "You can come up now" he laughed. It sounded exactly like on YouTube. But 10 times better. Like a sponge washing a window. But the sponge was touched by god itself. I quickly standed up not wanting to come over like an idiot once again.

"Oh and I'm Jin btw". Now it was my turn to laugh. Well more like chuckle. " Ohhh I know". Noticing my mistake I tried to cover it up with a innocent smile. "Wait what?" Jin said confused. "Nothing" I smiled. He shrugged it off. Me being thankful for that.

"So what is a little girl like you doing here? You know this is a bad neighborhood"
Bad neighborhood? Why would Jin be there anyways he is fricking rich. At least rich enough for a apartment in a good neighborhood. Just where the hell am I?
"Uhmm I don't know...".
Cause honestly I really didn't know. "Do you have a mom or dad or any family relatives I could call". It seemed like he cared a lot.
"Uhm yeah I can call my mom, I know her number".
"That's good" he answers shortly, he took out his phone. It was old and, let's just say that you couldn't play a simple game as candy crush on that.

He gave me his phone as I typed in my moms phone number. Only getting a woman I don't know on it. But I'm sure I put the right number there. I tried again. Only to get the same angry woman on the phone. I quickly hanged up cringin at her screaming voice.

"Everything alright?" Jin asked. "Uhm no not really. I- I don't think I have anywhere to go... Just where exactly am I?".
Jin looked at me with a confused and a bitch are you stupid look. "You are in Korea, South Korea. Don't you know? You speak Korean though". Speak Korean? I don't know how to speak Korean. It sounds like English to- omg I'm speaking Korean that's so coooooll. OK focus, focus.

"Uhm, uhm i. I don't think I," I was stuttering really bad. I just really don't know what to say right now. I was in the edge of crying. I was so confused right now.


Jin looked at her in pity. Knowing this was a bad neighborhood and knowing what the people can do to innocent ones like the little girl before him. He didn't hesitate to make the next descicion. "I guess there will be a new family member from now on"

Asa's POV

"Wait what?!"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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