Ooey Gooey

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Chapter may contain personal thoughts or opinions on Love


You know, I get lonely. Even if I am with my best friend, or my buds, it still can get lonely. Not to mention she's (my best friend) usually sick or busy. But, you don't know when your going to get sick, you can't just clap your hands and make it go away. And that sucks!! Every girl dreams if having a boyfriend. Even I do. But am I even ready? I don't know. He would have to have long hair, be into metal or progressive rock, even better, both, and it doesn't matter what eye or hair color. No religious stuff, though. But who am I kidding, that's never going to happen!

Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman, Tony Banks..... A boy who gets inspired by those guys would be cool. Honestly, I don't care if it's a bi girl instead of a boy. But it would have to be a girl who doesn't go all out girly, (pink, puppy in purse, nail painting, makeup, makeup, makeup....) And I don't care if they have depression. But who am I kidding? No one even knows this book, except for a few of my good friends/followers. It will NEVER happen!!!

Owner of a lonely heartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ