Mission Failure

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"KEITH!" Shiro yelled into his helmet.

The red paladin had just been knocked unconscious by a fleet of Galra, the plan was going horribly wrong. "Paladins you have to get out of there, they're too strong!" Allura pleaded, but it was too late. The next to fall was the blue paladin, Lance. "Guys, a little help here!?" He said as he tried to reach a vent to get away from the ever-pursuing Galra troops. He wasn't quick enough. A Galra solider shot him in the shoulder as he grabbed hold of the edge of the vent, making Lance fall down several feet onto his injured shoulder and blacking out from the pain. "Paladins retreat this instant!!!" Allura yelled again. "Keith and Lance aren't responding!" exclaimed the group nerd, Pidge. "We can't leave them!" Pidge said with a serious tone. "Pidge, we are dealing with more than we handle, we need to get out now before anyone else get's hurt!" A moment of silence settled on the team, only to have Shiro break the silence. "Pidge, I hate to say this, but Allura is right. We won't be helping if anyone else gets hurt. We need to get back to the castle so we can make a plan." "Uh guys," the yellow paladin, Hunk, said nervously. "We need to choose one fast, there are a LOT of Galra coming our way!" The team listened to the sound of Galra ships pulling into the station, quickly unloading a huge amount of soldiers.
"Pidge, we will come back for them."
The team reluctantly hurried back through a portal back to the castle.


Lance POV

Ugh. My eyes fluttered open to see dark metal walls surrounding me, a faint purple light illuminates the room. I as I try sitting up, a sharp pain in my shoulder interrupts me and I fall back to the ground. I moved my hand over to my shoulder and found that it was bleeding. "God dammit..." this wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to be a quick in-and-out where we just had to get some Galra intel from the computers. Ignoring the pain, I sat up slowly and looked around the room. It seemed to be just an empty room until I saw a figure moving in the corner. "Hey! W-who's there?" The figure sighed. "Great your awake." I immediately recognized the voice. "Keith?"

Hello! Sorry this was so short, I will be updated as frequently as I can between homework and school so yeah, thanks!

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