Alone Together

557 34 16

Lance POV


I couldn't believe it, out of all the paladins that he could've been trapped with on a Galra ship in the middle of space, it had to be Keith. "Oh great it is you." I said with a tiny bit of annoyance. "I didn't choose to get captured." Keith retorted, obviously annoyed as well. "For all I know you could've fainted right into their arms!" I spat back. I wasn't usually this upset, most of the time I was either being chased by numerous women, making great jokes (that Keith just doesn't understand), and basically being the best paladin ever. Well, besides Shiro, but that kind of goes without saying. Shiro, besides being the head of voltron, was kind of the teams adopted father. He always knew what to do, from defeating robeasts to "helping" me and Keith "bond". I wondered what he would do. "Uuuuuuugh..." I hit my head on the wall, instantly regretting it as my head suddenly realized the massive headache it had. "Ow."
Keith snickered and my lower lip pushed its way out. "Laugh all you want  Keith, but we're still stuck in a Galra jail cell." Keith had wiped any remnants of his smirk away before I could turn my head. When I looked he was looking at the barred door. "Yeah." I watched Keith for a while, noticing how his eyebrows scrunched up when he was thinking. "Hey, Keith." Keith broke his focus on the door to look back at me. I tried to give him the most serious face I could muster. "Keith.... I need to ask you something..." Keith turned his full attention towards me. "What is it Lance?" "Do you- I mean, do you think..." "Yes Lance?"
"Do you think I'll get a cool robot arm like Shiro?" I smiled up at him. Keith blinked a few times. "Lance why- Shiro went through torture and fighting for his life everyday! Why would you want to go through that for a stupid metal arm??" Keith looked pretty serious and it took me aback a small bit. "Keith, my quiznack, it's a JOKE!" I folded my arms and poured some more, now sitting against the wall a couple feet away from Keith. Keith looked at me confused, then sighed, assuming my same position with arms crossed and back leaning against the wall.

Keith POV

I didn't understand Lance at all. One moment he's complaining and the next he's cracking "jokes". Keith only knew a few jokes from the top of his head:
"What do you call a dog with no legs?
         It doesn't matter, he won't come. anyways."
"They say the surest way to a man's heart is though his stomach. But personally I find going through the rib cage is a lot easier."
"Do you know what this shirt is made of? Boyfriend material!"
I learned that last one from one of Lances stupid flirting sprees.
I looked over at Lance, who was staring back. Lance pouted a bit more, which I didn't think it was possible for Lances lip to go any farther out, and turned away. Why does Lance always have to be like this? I found it impossible to know what Lance would do next, and I was supposed to be the impulsive one! If only Shiro were here, he'd know how to escape. Or Pidge. They could probably find a way to hack our way out. Or Hunk. He could probably help reverse engineer the cell bars or something. Even Allura or Coran, who could shapeshift and had extensive knowledge of the universe and the aliens in it. Really anyone but Lance.
"Uh, Keith? You can stop staring at me now." I blinked a couple times and realized I had zoned out, staring at Lance the entire time. Wow that doesn't make me seem weird at all. I could feel the tips of my ears heat up. "Sorry." I turned back to look at the door. I nearly jumped out of my armor when I saw the tall Galra standing in the door.
"These are the mighty paladins of Voltron?!" He gave a raspy laugh.
"You two won't survive eight tiks."
He pressed in a code at the side of the door.
"Come on worms, Emperor Zarcon has ordered me to escort you to his chambers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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