Chapter 2

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When I got back to the hotel, Lucy had passed out on her bed. Sighing, I showered and put on some pyjamas, getting into bed. Throughout the night until I could sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about the children and especially Enoch. I already liked him... and the kiss I saw through Horace's eye kept replaying in my mind. Enoch was a strange character, that was true. His eyes were a mix between dark blue and brown. His skin was pale, which only served to brighten his eyes that much more, despite the fact that they were dark. He had this permanent pout on his lips, a big bottom lip that made him look all the more grumpy. But I was sure that if he smiled, he'd be breathtakingly gorgeous.

He liked to glare, that much I could tell judging by the way he's mean to the others. I couldn't help but think about Olive and how... infatuated she was with him. She grew red with anger when the kissing scene in Horace's dream played out, positively fuming. Well, she was capable of controlling fire... she seemed sweet at the dinner table.

Perhaps she likes Enoch?

Who could blame her? He's...

OK, imma stop. I turned my head a little and through half lidded eyes saw Lucy, lying in her bed, snoring. Her dreams were quite loud tonight. Who dreams about egg sandwiches? Sighing a little, I closed my eyes tightly, willing them to let me sleep. But there was this one nagging voice in the back of my head... pulling my attention away from sleep. Opening my eyes, I groaned and sat up in my bed, swinging my legs out the side and resting my head in my hands. The voice was childish, possibly a young boy. It felt like he was there with me... and suddenly more voices joined.

'Oh my god, how does she sleep in those things?' Was that... Millard?

'She might be in this room.'

'I don't see why we're looking for her, seeing as she's trying to take away my Enoch.' Definitely Olive. They were outside the door, and then I heard his voice. Scottish and... ugh. I stood up and listened, desperately clinging onto his voice reverberating in my head and placing itself into my internal memory.

Whispering was heard outside of the door and Lucy mumbled in her sleep, hugging her sides under the blankets. Oh shit they were right outside. I tiptoed to the door, seeing as Lucy was a light sleeper, and quietly creaked open the door to find 4 of the peculiar children outside my door. I must have looked completely ridiculous, and they were all wearing pyjamas. Horace was wearing fine silk pj's, Emma a light blue nightgown, Olive a pink nightgown and Enoch with a large sweater over some tattered bottoms.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. What in Bird's name could they be doing here at this time of the night?

"What the actual, living Hell are you doing here?" I asked, voice groggy and hoarse. Olive continued to glare harshly at me, Horace smiled and bowed his head a little, Emma smiled and waved, Enoch smirked a little and stared at me.

But where was Millard?

Oh, obviously. He must be invisible. And hiding.

"May we come in?" I turned my head to peak at Lucy, who was still sound asleep in her bed. I gave a meek nod and Emma clomped in, dust rising from the floorboards as I freaked out and hurriedly stopped her from moving.

"Just... tell me what you're here for." I whispered exasperatedly and Millard appeared beside me with a hat on his head.

"We just... who's that?" Emma asked, pointing at the lump on the bed. I crossed my arms and huffed a little,

"Oh, that's Lucy. She was sent with me to look after me, remember?" The blonde nodded in recognition, then smiled.

"We just... wanted to see how you were doing. After all, visiting a loop back from 70 years ago is quite a lot to take in. We wanted to make sure you hadn't... thrown yourself off of a cliff." She grinned, somewhat like a psycho and I snorted, shaking my head.

"Uh... no? I'm fine, I've seen weirder. Trust me." I mumbled that last bit, recalling the memories of- NOPE.

"Why don't you come back with us? I'm sure your... rather um... drunken friend here won't notice." Horace said, taking a look at Lucy and wrinkling his nose in distaste.

"Oh... I'd really love to but... if I leave her, she might... I don't know... throw up and choke on her vomit during the night. And lemme tell ya, that is not a fun story to explain to my parents when I get home." Emma's face paled.

"W-wait... you're leaving?" She looked completely alarmed and her eyes were full of sadness, despite the darkness.

"Well... yeah. I have to. Sooner or later, my parents will worry... so will my doctor and friends back at home... also, my medication will run out. I can't stay here." I said, Emma placing a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Addilyn Gardener. Miss Peregrine knows everything about you. Back at home, you have no friends. Your parents don't love you and your medication is completely uncalled for. What you have, is not a sickness, nor a disease, but a beautiful gift given to you to cherish and nurture. Sure, it has its problems, mine does too. If I take my shoes off, I'll float away into space for eternity. If Olive takes off her gloves, she'll burn you. If Hugh doesn't wear his bee-net, his bees will disrupt dinner and any activity that he's taking part in. You see? We're not perfect. Nobody is. But we're unique, and unashamed of what we can do. Your power is fantastic, and do not be ashamed of it, for in the future, it could very well become a life saver." Emma's words brought a tear to my eyes as I sniffed, wrapping my arms around her shoulders as hers wound around my waist, pulling me close.

"Thank you."


I'd packed a bag with my clothes and threw my meds in the bin, being extra careful not to awake Lucy.

"Ready?" Funky Boots asked, and I smiled with a curt nod as I gathered the bag and suitcase and left a note by Lucy's bedside.

Dear Lucy,

When you read this, I'll be gone. Obviously.

I have found the children's home and the loop that I will now be living in. Keep this note as it will be useful for my parents to read while you go home alone.

Don't come looking for me, as I know you won't anyway, but on this short trip of literally 2 days I have found myself here. I've finally found where I belong; with the peculiars. I have found out that the noises are just the thoughts of others around me in close range, and I'm a telepath. I'm not ashamed of this power, nor am I proud, but I've finally found people that like me and that accept me.

Tell mom and dad I love them,

Sincerely, Addilyn.


I felt extremely guilty for what I did, but as I exited the Priest Hole and walked all the way through the bog and forest to the house, I turned to see Enoch looking at me. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and was gazing at me with a sad expression.


I could hear his thoughts running around my brain,

'I should make her feel better.'

'But how? What can I do?'

'Should I hug her?'

I smiled a little and walked over to him, his posture stiffening. I could smell clay and formaldehyde on him. It was a surprisingly nice combination. He smiled at me with a look of sorrow and I shrugged. He outstretched his arms awkwardly and I shuffled closer to nestle myself into his chest as his strong arms wrapped around my back, one hand stroking my hair soothingly.

"It'll be OK." He whispered into my hair, my arms holding onto his waist. We remained that way for a little while longer, and I felt him place his chin atop mine, and exhaling loudly. I could stay here in her arms forever. His warm embrace, enveloping me in something akin to fire but not quite.

Could it be love?

Pfft, nah.

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