tagged cuz i deleted my tag book XD

29 3 19

Long title XD I was tagged by BunbunWellowlFam to say 25 facts about me so here ya go :33

1. Whole name is Lilian Mae Sandoval (gonna regret later I think)

2. My dad live in South Carolina

3. My dad also is an army recruiter

4. My mom will get married in May

5. I registered things late (will explain later)

6. I play Piano/Keyboard

7. I love to draw

8. I love to write Fanfiction

9. I can't English well XD

10. Can't freaking spell

11. I'm running out of things to put down

12. Love roleplaying

13. Love meeting new friends :33

14. Will stand for wat's right

15. Loves puns

16. Picky eater

17. Drank a little ketchup once and it was good :33

18. Downloads to many things

19. Gets confused easily

20. Likes annoying people with puns sometimes

21. Don like school

22. Can't stuff face with marshmallows

23. Can swallow things whole apperantly

24. Always happy (mostly true)

25. Dun wit gramar end spelin stuf XD



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