
83 6 2

8 years later

The island is different.




But she's darker.


She has a band around her finger.

A frown permanently tattooed on her face.

She had a certain curse that's no longer there.

I still miss her.

I want her back.

She's abandoned.

Her family left her.

Tried to fix her with religion.

Only succeeded in making her worse.

Now she's married to a women by the name of Lennie.

She's not happy.

I can see it in her eyes.

We have small talk.

Do you remember, Jett?

The battlefield.

Dr. K.

The supermarket.

She remembers.

I know she does.

She doesn't smile.

'Do you want my number?'

She looks up.

'I don't think I'll be needing it.'

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