NO! I'm Real.

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George made his way back to his room to find Ginny, quietly crying and talking softly.
"Freddie, I just don't understand what he sees in her. He's just so thick, he can't see that she's the reason that Harry broke off with me. And I know you loved her Freddie, but she's down right arse." Ginny said, "She was my friend, but not anymore. I refuse to talk to her Freddie. If you were here, things would be different. I'd be with Harry and you'd have your girl."
George shook his head and walked over to Ginny, "Gin, mum said for us to get ready." he said.
Ginny looked up at him and half smiled, "Okay Georgie. But please, do me a favour." she said.
"Anything Gin." George said, helping her up off the floor.
"First, please don't tell anyone I talk to Fred. If mum found out, well, she'd think I was crazy." Ginny said and they laughed, the first real laugh that either of them had done for almost a month. Not a forced one, a genuine laugh and smile.
"Don't worry Gin, I write him." George said.
"And please, please come and stand at my door. It's not that I can't defend myself, I just don't-"
"Don't worry Gin, I understand. You don't have to tell me why." George said, "Lead the way, oh brilliant Princess Ginevra." George said, causing Ginny to giggle as they made their way up to her room.

Ginny walked into her room, she made her way over to her bed, she sat on the corner of it, looking around her room. She couldn't stand to be in it, as much as Fred's death had hurt her, being in this room did more. She sighed and made her way over to the closet and pulled out a shirt and pants. A lovely matching outfit Fred and George had got her as a gift just before the war.
"I believe you would look absolutely smashing in that outfit." a voice said,startling Ginny.
Ginny screamed from fright, leaning against the wall near her window was Harry.
"You alright in the Gin?" George called.
"Yeah Georgie, I just tripped. No harm done." Ginny called back, turning her full attention to Harry. "What are you doing in here?" she hissed at Harry who smirked.
"Well Ginevra, I've been thinking. I still love you Gin." He said.
Ginny just laughed, "So what now? Just because you're the great Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived and will forever more now, I'm supposed to confess my undying love for you? No Harry. You've had your chance, and now you want me back, but life doesn't work like that. Just because you got three chances with life, doesn't mean you get more than one for my love. How would Ron feel, if I told him that you and Hermione are having a fling. Except, I don't think i could do that to someone." she said, grabbing her outfit and heading towards the door.
Harry grabbed Ginny's wrist, "Gin, wait. Please, just hear me out." he pleaded.
Ginny tensed up, she turned slowly. "Let me go Harry." she said, her face darkening.
Harry flinched at the tone she used, but persisted to still hold her wrist.
Ginny raised her other arm and punched him.
Harry stumbled back, holding his bleeding nose again, "You bitch." he said, refusing to let her get away so easily. He yanked her wrist and she stumbled towards him.
"What did you call me, you attention whore?" Ginny said, spitting in his face.
Harry growled at her, "You're going to regret that Gin." he said, letting go of her arm and pushing her to the ground.
The air was knocked out of Ginny's lungs, she gasped for air. "Harry, stop. I don't want to have to hurt you anymore then I have already have." she said, placing her hands up in front of her face.
Harry smirked, shaking his head, "No Gin, you don't get a choice now. You  either fight, or die the same way my mother did, pleading to not be killed." he said, cracking his knuckles.
Ginny let out a whimper, picking herself up off the ground. She raised her fists in front of her face.
Harry threw a punch at Ginny and she caught the fist.  Flipping him to the ground with no verbal magic, she climbed on top of him and smirked. Raising her fist she hit him square in the face, multiple times. Ginny couldn't control herself, she just kept hitting Harry until George walked in and pulled her off him.
"Ginny, calm down."  George said, holding her back.
Ginny growled and tried to pull away, "No, I have to kill him." she said.
Harry stood up and smirked at her, he had two black eyes and a bloody nose and lip.
"Get out of here." George said to Harry.
Harry made his way to the exit, "Slut." he muttered.
Ginny finally managed to escape and charged at him, "What did you call me Harry James Potter?" she screamed, pushing him face first into the wall next to the door.
"Slut, because you are one." Harry said.
Ginny grinned, her face twisted. " Go, get out of here Harry." she said.
Harry slid out the door and stood out the door.
Ginny smirked, "Womanizer, woman, womanizer." she sang loud enough, knowing he was still out there. She walked back over to George who had her outfit, "Come on George, I'll get changed in your room."
Ginny walked out the door first, "You're a womanizer, you're a womanizer Harry." she sang and made her way back up to George's room.

Ginny got changed and just in time to hear her mother call them all down, including Harry. They all flooed to Diagon Alley.

-The Leaky Cauldron-   
As each Weasley tumbled out of the fireplace. There was a big commotion outside. A lady, about Harry's age was running towards the exit, "Oh, get out of the way Weasley's." she said, rushing past them.
"Such a rude girl." Molly said, making sure everyone was there.
Hermione shook her head, "Leave Hannah. She's probably just stressed out." she said, watching Hannah exit.
But it was when George looked up, did he see what the real cause of her rudeness was. Near the entrance to the pub was a albino girl with almost white hair. Behind her was a floating body. But what shocked George most, was that next to the albino girl was a ghost. The ghost looked so much like Fred, that George turned to face Ginny. He tapped her shoulder.
"Tell me you're seeing this too." he said to her.
Ginny turned to face the commotion and a shrill scream emitted from her mouth. "Luna, what's going on?" she asked, ignoring Molly's pleas for her to not intervene.
Luna turned to face Ginny, "Oh, how lovely to see you again Ginny. Well, the horse out there caused so much of a noise that I followed it and found this lovely Lady, her name is Sashajay. Fred was with her." she said.
Ginny shook her head, "Luna, Freddie died in the war. Mum calls me insane when I talk to him, he's gone. I'll never get him back. Neither will Georgie." she said.
Sash let out a ear-splitting scream and everyone turned their attention to the almost dying girl.
"She needs Medical Attention immediately. Do any of you Weasley's know any Healers on quick call or something?" Hannah asked.
"Hermione, give me your phone-thing-a-ma-bob." George demanded and Hermione nodded, giving him her cell phone.
George quickly dialed a number, "Yes. I understand that you don't particularly want to hear from me or any of my family. But there's a lady that needs your help, she's almost dead. Gin and I can take care of him while you help this lady. You'll come. Okay, see you soon." He hung up.
"Who was that?" Ginny asked.
George smirked, "You'll find out in a minute or so." He said and as if on a cue, a lady in her twenties with green hair walked out of the fireplace with a baby in her arms.

"Don't make me regret helping this lady George

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"Don't make me regret helping this lady George." She said, staring at George who was grinning like crazy.
"I didn't actually think you'd come." George said, walking over to take the baby off the lady.
"No!" She said, "I don't trust you alone with Austin. Ginny, please make sure this prankster doesn't injure my child."
Ginny looked confused, "Do I know you?" She asked.
The lady laughed, she walked over to Ginny and looked her in the eye, "Behind these hazel eyes you do." She said, pointing at her eyes, which were hazel, but if you could just look close enough, or be observant enough. You could see a flicker of blue.
"Excuse me. But why don't you trust me with my nephew?" George asked walking over.
"Godson. Ginny is the Godmother." The lady corrected George.
"What's going on here? And I still don't know who you are." Ginny said.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry." she said, whisking her wand out and muttering a few words. Two small pieces of plastic landed in her hand, "unfortunately, muggle dye doesn't come off with magic." she said, looking back up at them with piercing blue eyes.
Ginny's face lit up and she flung her arms around the lady, "I missed you Rubs." she said.
Austin squealed.
'Rubs' laughed, "Here Ginny. You take care of Austin with Fre- George. I'm going to take care of this lady." she said, following Hannah up to the room Sash was in.
Ginny looked down at Austin, she saw his mother's eyes. But behind them were his father's mischief. He had black hair, but it sat like his father's. A little messy. Ginny looked at George, "He's definitely a Weasley." she said, and George nodded.

Hey guys!
So, who do you think the girl with the green hair is?
And why do YOU think she doesn't want to see the Weasley's?
Please Answer!

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