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It was strange to bring Yuuri to my home. I almost felt embarrassed to let him see the state my apartment was left in after I had lived with him for so long. Yurio had been here every now and again on the orders of Yakov to tidy up a little, but even with regular checkups, it was a mess. It took us a couple of days to move everything into the place and tidy up, but at the end of it all, I got to say that I was home at last. Makkachin must have missed this place just as much as I did, because she ran straight over to the sofa and curled up where we used to sit together. Yuuri had been distracted since we arrived. I could tell he was homesick even though he told me it was fine whenever I asked him, but he seemed happier to have his own place to call home. I did feel a little bad for taking him away from those luxurious hot springs he had known all his life, even if it meant that I now didn't have to sneak around at night to his bedroom.

"Let's go out for dinner," I suggested after we had finished unpacking a box one evening. He looked tired and emotionally drained, and I wanted to distract him from the thoughts he was bound to be having about the move. I knew there was one restaurant I wanted to avoid, as I used to take my dates to the same place for a sense of familiarity. I had not been there in years. 

"Are you sure?" He asked me, I smiled and touched his cheek softly. His face turned a light pink colour and I smiled. I loved how nervous and inexperienced around me he was, it was as though he didn't remember that we shared a bed every night. I closed my eyes and without thinking kissed him softly. He hesitated for a moment, but then relaxed and kissed back. 

"My treat," I told him lovingly as I pulled away from him, keeping our lips about an inch apart. I pecked him on the cheek and winked at him.

He was still a little nervous around me, even though he knew that I would still love him no matter what he did. It was surprising considering all we had been through this season. I  wanted nothing more than for him to open up to me, but it was easier said than done. Yuuri insisted that he didn't want to drink too much when we went out, because he wanted to keep a relatively clear head and not have another repeat of the banquet, even though it was what brought us together. He admitted that he did remember some things from the that night, but not that he spoke to me. Apparently, he kissed somebody that night, but failed to remember who it was.

I called the restaurant and booked us a table for later that evening, and insisted on taking Yuuri shopping to find us both a new suit to wear for our date. I hadn't called it that, but it was the intention whether he noticed it or not. We shopped around for a while, but eventually found the perfect thing. Yuuri was still hesitant when it came to spending money, but I was insistent that I would be paying for the suits whether he protested or not. It took a few minutes of disagreement before he walked off to find a bathroom and I payed for the suits anyway. He was a little annoyed at me when he returned to find his outfit payed for, but I didn't care. Like I had told him earlier, today was my treat.

I couldn't help but glance at my ring whenever I caught my reflection in a mirror. It was nice to finally say that I was going to settle down after years of being uncertain. Of course, I hadn't been in love like this before; it was a whole new experience for me, and I was loving every second of it. I felt like I worked better while I had my ring on my finger, because Yuuri was always there with me. For the rest of the shopping trip, I stayed as close to him as I was able to without making him turn pink. He chuckled as we walked past a family with young children, and I looked at their smiling faces knowingly. He'd be a brilliant parent, of course. 


"What's wrong?" I asked him. He smiled. 

"The last time we went shopping like this together I proposed to you," He pointed out. This time, I felt my face go pink. It was true, for we hadn't really done much shopping together in Hasetsu. 

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