Part One (1-50)

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Part one.
You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece.
Reece Quinn will never, ever come to terms with his sexuality. Because he's not gay.
It's disgusting to be gay, and Reece is no freak. Reece likes girls- and boobs too.
Well, he thought, until a nobody came out of the closet.
Liam Collier is just a boy who is proud of being gay, and recently came out at school- which gained him a lot of attention, good and bad. One of the many people surrounding him for the first time in his life happens to be Reece, who refuses to even converse with the boy when in plain sight, afraid of being made fun of and getting kicked off the homophobic football team.
But afraid of falling.
And God, did Reece fall for the gay boy hard.

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