Ch. 1

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Pain. Beautiful, amazing pain. It looks so pretty, but hurts like crap. I want to come down, but I'd ruin the perfectness of my perfectly pointed toes. 'Come on Meg, just a couple more seconds. You can do it, stayy.. stay still.'

"And.. come down ladies"

I slump from my releve to my standing position as I try to wiggle out the numb pain from my toes, but I don't succeed for my pointe shoes are sufficating my toes. I look at my reflection from the bar and see my face slowly turning back from red to pale. My hair, up in a messy bun with my tight leotard and tights giving me a gigantic wedgie. I look at the clock. Ten more minutes, YES!

"Okay ladies, now let's run over our dance. Only 3 more months until the big recital. Oh, and make sure to invite all your friends and family to come and see for only five dollars."

I sighed to think about our recital. I just gotten out of a really hard breakup and I was going to invite my ex. But now since we've broken up, I don't really know anyone else I can invite. All my friends and family are going, duh, but I wanted someone there to come and bring me flowers and tell my how amazing I looked and that they loved me. I had all that, until my 'boyfriend' moved to Arizona, leaving me just a lousy note saying how he was moving and that he didn't want to date anymore. It was a hurtful letter. I cried for a good month. I'm semi over it, but it still hurts. It's also kinda lonely. 'Come on Meg, focus.' I shook the memories away and jumped into the first scene of the dance.

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