Chapter 109

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Georgia's POV

Mom saw me, she found out.. I looked back to see mom on the floor in tears and mommy holding her, Alexia was standing at the door trying to understand this whole situation

"G baby why didn't you talk to me," mom cried

"I can't see you like this, I don't want you to go too far one day and walk into your bedroom to see you lying there dead with cuts all over your arms,"

Alexia slowly came up to me and wrapped me in her arms while I broke down, I let out all my tears on her shoulder. I was crying and screaming and hitting her but she didn't care she just held me right

"I'm sorry," I whispered after I had calmed down a bit

"Baby you don't have to be sorry we just don't want to lose you and we don't want you harming yourself in any way cause when you do it feels like your doing it to us," mommy said taking me out of Alexia's arms and putting me in hers and moms

"Why?" mom asked

I looked at the ground and didn't say anything, I wasn't going to tell them and they won't make me

"Tell me,"

"No," I said

"Yes Georgia you will tell me now," mom demanded

"Leave me alone all of you!" I half shouted while running to my room

I lifted my pillow and found my blade..
Cut.. cut... cut, the blood trickled down my arm. The release of pain felt so good


"Young lady open it now or I'll force my way in," mommy yelled and I knew she wasn't lying

Quickly I cleaned up my arm and put a hoody on and opened the door

"Georgia I just want you to talk to us," mom said

"I know but I don't want to talk," I said

"At least answer me one thing," mom said


"Do you cut yourself?" I saw her shiver at the thought and I knew what I had to say

"No I don't," I said and they let out a sigh if relief

"Were gonna take you to see a counsellor and were taking away your phone for a bit," mommy said

"You can't do that!"

"Yes we actually can," mom said


"We know your not," mom said trying to calm me down


"Don't talk to is like that," mommy said warning me

"I hate you," I muttered under my breath

I looked up and saw tears rolling down both my moms faces

"What did you say?" mommy asked

"I hate you all,"

What's going to happen?
What do you all want to happen?


Love all my readers, Thankyou so much and Stay Strong 💘

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