Chapter 114

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Georgia's POV

I walked into the rehab centre with mom, mommy and Alexia by my side. We were greeted by a very kind lady who then escorted me to my room along with the other three

I sat on the bed and realised that there was another bed meaning I was sharing with someone else

"Are you okay princess?" mom asked

"I don't know,"

This is going to be so hard being away from my family for two months is too much, but I know I have to do it in order to get better

"Sorry to interrupt but it's time for you guys to leave," the lady said and walked out again

Mom,mommy and Alexia were all in tears which made my cry even more. I ran into their arms and shared the last family hug I would have with them for two months

"I'm going to miss you so much," Alexia said

"I will too, all of you,"

"We love you never forget that," Alexia said giving me a kiss on the cheek and one last hug before walking out

"Stay strong princess, I love you so much and we will see you soon," mommy said as she was not able to say much more

Now it was mom and I in the room and I could see how much harder this was for her being back here where she went to all those years ago and now seeing her daughter go in here

"I love you mom, I'll be alright," I said as she pulled me closer into her

"I know you will baby, your my little warrior,"

"Baby stay strong and remember that we love you so much and we'll be waiting for you to come back out and be healthier and happier than ever,"

I nodded my head and gave my mom one more hug before she left. Now I was sitting here by myself on the bed

I can't lie, I was so scared, but I knew this experience would change my life for the better and help me through so much

Demi's POV

As we were walking out I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Maria, she was the one that was there for me through mostly everything in rehab

"Maria," I exclaimed

"Demi," she said bringing me into a hug

"What are you doing here?"

"My baby girls here," I said trying to hold back tears but letting a few escape

"What's her name?"

"Georgia Lovato,"

"I'll take extra good care of her," she said and I couldn't be more happier that Maria would be there for my baby girl

"Thankyou so much," I said hugging her once more

"It's not a problem for me,"

"How are you?" I asked her

"I'm very well and you miss popstar,"

"Haha yeah I'm good, a few set backs here and there but really good,"

"What are you doing here in Australia?" I asked

"I got moved here," she said

I nodded my head and flashed a smile

"Well I have to go but it was very nice talking to you and seeing you and I will take care of your girl don't worry,"

"I know I have nothing to worry about if she's with you and Thankyou so much,"

I hugged her once more and walked back to Tiff and Alexia, I looked back at this place and all the memories came flashing back of when I went to rehab

How I was there during Christmas, Halloween and New Years.. I remember watching the ball drop on tv and thinking how did I let my life get to this point. It all was coming back and so did the tears

I stopped and ran into Tiff's arms

"Memories?" she asked like she could read my mind

I nodded my head and then thought about how Georgia must be feeling and everything she's going through

"And Georgia and when you came," I said

"Be strong baby, be strong," she said as we walked back to the car and drove home

No matter what I knew that I had family that loved me, fans that loved me, friends that loved me and a job that is my life and heart and honestly nothing else mattered to me, just having this amount of support and love in my life made me the luckiest person alive

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