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"I'm go-ing *hiccup* to get another drinks, wantz one?" I sprawl out, facing Blake. My vision was impaired giving me the sight of perhaps an old granny without her glasses, or even Velma from Scooby Doo when she dropped her's.

"No, this is the last time - I do not want a drink, you shouldn't either. Looks like you've had quite enough Ell" he says pointing to the red cup, which was once filled with liquor in my hand.

"Ha-rry says that I sh- *hiccup* should let my hairs down more often" I sway my hips to the up-beat song blasting through the music as Blake stands there, arms folded looking like a massive party-pooper.

"I'll drive you home, come on" grabbing my wrist, Blake turns back around to the entrance.

"Noo's I came with the boyfriend!"

"I can't see him, Ell. I'm sure he'll find his own way home" just as he finishes his sentence I see a furious mop of blonde hair hurling towards us, without hesitation I smack Blake's hand away from my wrist. This was not going to end pretty. Harry, was so mad you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Shit" I mutter under my breath

"Where the fuck have you been?" Harry sneers grabbing my waist forcefully; bounding me to him.

"I's just been here talking to my new friend!" Although, I knew I needed to sober up and quickly, I couldn't. Obviously, having several cups of whatever type of alcohol was not a good idea because now, when I needed to be calm and reassuring the most I couldn't even keep my body up right for longer than 2 minutes before staggering again.

"You know I don't like you having friends. Especially not boys." I peer up at his face, but ducking it immediately when he shoots me daggers, a warning.

"Whoa, chill out man. She's drunk and needs to be taken home." Blake speaks up. Any other time I would of possibly been grateful, however me being unable to stick up for myself and Harry being nowhere near drunk , it was a win-lose sort of situation and I knew exactly who would be the losing team. However, Harry shoots a glare in Blake's direction causing him to hold his hands up in a 'i surrender' position before walking backwards, turning around and walking away.

Except being the drunk naive girl I am, I don't realise, or take the information in that he had just left me.

After, scenarios crept up in my mind of Harry dragging me back to the apartment and once again beating me to a pulp. Or even worse, stripping me of the cleanliness and only remaining dignity I have left.

"Let's go upstairs, baby" he whispers huskily in my ear grabbing my ass hard.

"Haa-rry! I don't want to righ-" before I could finish the sentence I was stumbling towards the stairs, worse yet - being forced up them with a large amount of pressure on my lower part of my back.

"Just fücking move!" Harry grunts pushing me further towards the stairs.

"Okk, I'm moving!" I snap trying to get my head straight.

Now Blake had left I felt more alone than ever. As I continue stumbling up the stairs my head begins to spin - much worse than before, so I grab it painfully. "Harr-y, my head hur-" I try finishing my sentence, but due to the excessive amount of alcohol swirling around in my body I can't even keep my body up right, so I begin sagging against the wall.

Not focusing on anything apart from the throbbing, I don't notice the continuous tugging on my arms then suddenly feeling as light as a feather; no longer were my legs firmly planted on the ground.

"Let's get you home" a low whisper rumbles above me. Not taking any notice I just groan, getting comfortable where ever I was.


The light from the outside world was blinding. Stumbling from my bed I draw my curtains closed properly, cursing whoever left them half open.

The aching in my head wasn't any better, the result of last night clearly taking a toll, as a machine gun, or some type of drill was at work on my skull from inside-out.

Flopping back on my bed, I huff at the sudden movement. For someone who hates partying I sure do go full out.

However, i don't fail to notice the 2 pills perched on my bedside table with a full glass of cool water. Just looking at the water I could feel how parched and dry my mouth was. Grabbing the glass I gulp it down within a good 20 seconds, sighing in content as it soothes my throat and eases the migraine.

After lying in bed and having a peek at social media, a waft of bacon swarms into my room and it's as if I have the traits of a dog scrounging for leftovers. Sniffing, I get up following the scent down the stairs towards the kitchen.

All safety measures and questions of, who would be cooking? Whose in my house? Why are they cooking? Leave my mind. Even though I know for sure it would not be Harry, because in the years of knowing each other he has not once cooked for me or anyone.

Trudging to the kitchen, situated at the back of the apartment, the smell gets more intense and soon I see the culprit.

"What the fück are you doing here, Blake?" I huff, crossing my arms across my chest and standing straighter. Not that my 5'5 height would do anything to his broad frame.

"No thank you? Seeing as I'm the one who took you home, although that should be your boyfriends job" feeling bad I drop my head and stare at the floor. Except, my guilt is halted when I notice for the first time what I'm wearing. A black over-sized sweatshirt with the words 'AMzA' spread across it, paired with shorts.

"Wh-at, how?!" I stutter, gesturing towards my clothes. I may not remember much from last night, but what I do know is I definitely did not and would never wear this to a party.

"Oh, that." He sighs "don't get your hopes up. I didn't dress you, you dressed yourself. All I helped you with was getting the sweatshirt over your head, but it was already pulled below anything to revealing." I sigh in relief and thank him for what he did.

"Wait, one more thing. How'd you get in?"

"Hasn't anyone ever told you, you shouldn't leave your spare key in such an obvious place? Under the doormat, really, Ell?" I laugh before sliding onto the chair at the counter.

Within 15 minutes I had a plate full of delicious looking breakfast. Full of eggs, bacon, beans everything you could possibly think of for a morning breakfast.

"Where... where's Harry?" I mutter refusing to look up.

"I'm not sure, Ell. He didn't come home last night, i was on the couch all night."

He was back to his old tricks then. I guess he has requirements he needs meeting and I just don't meet them. Harry just needs me when he's lonely.

My thoughts are quickly dismissed, however, when I hear the rattling of keys and the door being swung open with force.

"Ella, baby."

Cursing I freeze as I realise I have another guy in our house. God, he doesn't even like me having friends never mind a guy in the house.


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