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I quickly spin around in my seat motioning for Blake to leave, "um Blake you're going to have to go, thanks for breakfast."

He gives me a questioning glance as if to say 'what's the problem?' but doesn't speak aloud thank god.

"What is this, Ella? Why do you have another boy in my house?!"

"I'm just a friend, don't worry I wasn't hitting on your girl" he chuckles, however his smirk fades when he notices Harry's fuming look and my glare. Smooth, Blake, real smooth.

"Get the fück out!" Harry booms pointing at the door.

"See you at college Ell" mumbling a yeah he leaves, not realising he had just dug the hole I was already in a lot deeper.

"Get out of my sight, you cheating whore!" I scramble off of the chair towards our bedroom and shut the door.

Surprise was written over my features, he let me off? The whole 2 years we've been dating he's not once let me off the hook. This just makes it even more confusing, what changed? Lying on the bed I don't bother to think to much about it and soon drift off to a deranged sleep.

This doesn't last long though because in 10 minutes I had been dragged off the bed by my long, brown hair. "Shït! Harry, stop!" I scream from the immense pressure building on my scalp from the pulling on my roots.

"You cheated on me!" He bellows crouching down to eye level, a mere inch from my face.

"No! No, I didn't! He's just a friend."

"That's not what it looked like this morning!"

I don't know why. I don't know how I got up the courage to do the thing I did next, but I knew right after it's probably the worst mistake I've ever made.

"Fück you! I've spent 4 years of my life, 2 of them being your girlfriend, with you. I've stayed loyal when you've hit me, I've stayed loyal when I know you've cheated, I've stayed loyal when I've woken up with bruises covering my once clear skin! I am fed up of you treating my like shit and I won't stand for it anymore, either you sort your life out, or I'm leaving. For good." I scream meaning every word of it. It felt good, no, amazing to finally be able to say the words that were always on the tip of my tongue.

"Oh, Ella. You know none of that is true because you know that all these bruises are done because I love you. You do it to yourself, if you learnt to keep your mouth shut and do as I say I wouldn't have to teach you lessons. We all know, though, that you won't and you can't leave me. The consequences would be to risky, would they not?"

About to reply, I'm stopped in my tracks when a searing pain goes through my skull. Thinking it'll stop I sit there shaking, but again and again the pain is increased to something I've never felt before. Covering my head I sob, begging and begging for it to stop. Finally, after a solid few minutes it stops leaving me in a state of absolute shock and horror.

Touching the sensitive spot, or spots, I feel liquid building up. My calm composure crumbles, when I take my hand away and see the mixture of blood and alcohol lining my fingers.

Wooziness consumes me and I feel my head getting more and more light-headed. I needed this seeing to, but I could already hear the door slamming shut telling me Harry had left and had no intention of helping me.

This was bad. I could see the left over beer bottles smashed into small pieces, whilst everything doubled in my vision.

Deciding to do something I would most likely regret in the near future I slowly make my way to my phone, calling the only person I can call a friend.

"Hello?" A deep voice speaks up after a few rings,

"B-Blake..." I whisper as drowsiness takes over, why can't I keep my eyes open? I've had worse than this!

"I.. I need help. Please?" I stumble over my words trying to form an accurate sentence.

"Are you okay? Ell? I'll be right over." I don't resist when sleep takes over because I knew it would be better than laying all alone on the cold, marbled floor surrounded by my own blood. If Blake didn't get here soon I didn't even know if I would see tomorrow.


Blake's POV;

The phone call was strange. I knew Ell's boyfriend was mad at me for being there, but surely it couldn't be that bad? I mean we were nowhere near each other and showed no signs of actually cheating.

Without jumping to conclusions I grab my car keys, rushing out the front door. Hopefully, the reason for the call wasn't to bad, but the way she was talking seemed off. It sounded like she could barely string a couple of words together.

Eventually, I pull up to her apartment complex and make my way to hers. I had a feeling settle in my stomach that something wasn't right, which only lead to me fastening my pace.

Calling out and hearing no response after opening her door my worries are only multiplied.

"Ell! Where are you?" I shout and hearing little to no reply.

However, standing in the living room I listen out for any noise, "Ell!". Thankfully, my thoughts come true when I hear a low grumble.

Rushing towards it I stop in my tracks when I see the scene before me. Beer bottles were in hundreds of pieces no longer resembling or holding any type of alcohol substance. That wasn't the worst sight though, because what was mixed in with the broken glass was a mixture of red liquid... blood.

To my dismay the last thing my eyes were drawn to was the body laying on their side absolutely covered in the blood.

The closer I got the more the similarities jumped out at me. Brown hair, a small fragile body and the clothes she had been wearing that morning.

"Shït! Shït, Ell?" I crouch down onto the floor, taking a longer look at her mangled body. Ell's body was covered from head to foot in a mixture of alcohol and blood whilst she laid on her side, limp.

"Come on, Ell. Wake up!" I whisper my tone considerably softer hoping she'd open her eyes and tell me it wasn't blood.

My hopes this time, didn't come true so cradling her body in my arms I take my phone out of my pocket, ringing the ambulance.

This was by far, the most shocking thing I'd ever witnessed. Who could do such a thing to such an innocent girl?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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