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Like I said earlier, my mom is dead.

Apparently there was a huge fire when I was a kid, and my dad gave me Sam and told me to get out of there. I remember he had this crazy look in his eye, like he was up to something.

He didn't come out behind us, instead the firemen pulled him out of the fire later on. Dad lived, mom died.

Since then, Dad's been moving us from city to city until he gets bored and makes us move again. It's really boring, actually...

Most of the time, it's just me and Sam since dad normally leaves for a while and comes back at strange hours...

Now... since you mentioned sex life..

Let's see... I've "dated" many girls. And by date, I mean pull them out of class and into my car for a good time. (If you know what I mean, haha)

But, I've actually been with a guy or two.. (don't tell anyone) they were just experiments though, I'm not gay or anything... I'm perfectly straight, perfectly normal...

I think that's about it so far... what else do you want to know about me?

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