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AN ~ Apologies for the very late update. RL is kicking my butt.

~ NC-17 NSFW. Not for those below 18 years of age. Mature content.

~ The Dirty drink names are dedicated to my ghost friends dreadaeleon_kvothe, shivyn, and Jumpol. Have you tried these drinks girls? 😄😄😄

~ The pregnant bit is dedicated to my other ghost friends saviiluv AchaLS as well as Cass and Adam. 😊

~ As a proud member of the Dark Place and a fellow Ghost, it is my pleasure and sworn duty to destroy one food at a time. And this time I choose the lucky Pineapple.  May you rest in peace.  R.I.P. Pineapple. Muahahaha *evil laugh* 😈😎

Pics belongs to their original owners, not mine, just borrowing. ^^

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Kong: How was it this morning? Did you like it? You haven't answered my question. :smirks:

Arthit: I don't know what you're talking about. :blushes:

Kong: Are you being shy with me P'Arthit, after everything we've done last night and this morning? :happy and proud thinking about their marathon:

Arthit: Why would you even ask me such a question? :blushes as red as a tomato:

Kong: Because I care about you, P'Arthit. I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. :smiles looking into P'Arthit's eyes:

P'Bright: Hey! What are you guys whispering about over there? We're here to drink and have a great time together. Not get all lovey dovey there all by yourselves. :pouts:

P'Toota: Why? Are you jealous coz you're lonesome all by yourself?

P'Bright: Shut up, Ai'Toota. Go kiss your boyfriend or something. And you're very welcome for introducing to you a non-clingy, very sane and hot boyfriend. The thanks I get is watching you two eat each other's faces. Ugghhh.

Arthit: Awwww poor baby. Do you want me to find you a girlfriend now that Praepaelin's no longer available to guys? :laughs at the look on Ai'Bright's face:

P'Bright: Ai'Arthit, I still haven't forgotten that you failed to answer my question. Now I'm intrigued. What are you whispering with N'Kong? Share the secret.

Arthit: Nothing interesting, just an experiment we're conducting. :shares a secret smile with Kong:

P'Bright: What experiment?

P'Prem: Ai'Bright why don't you leave them alone?

P'Bright: Ai'Prem why don't you go kiss Wad or something?

P'Prem: Wad, come let's give them a show they'll never forget. :grabs a surprised Wad and kisses him on the lips:

P'Bright: Oh My Ghawd! My eyes! My eyes! Why is everyone a toot now? Whyyyyyyy?? :whines unashamedly:

P'Knot: I'm not gay.

P'Bright: Oh yeah? That's not the vibe I get every time you look at Tiw or the way he keeps looking at you when he thinks you're not looking. I feel like I'm the only straight guy in this group. I think I need to go and kiss a girl right now but I don't see anyone available. :pouts with pout#2 (lower lip poking out more):

Kong: Do you want to drink pineapple juice? I'll go and order at the shop around the corner. :rushes off to order their drink:

P'Prem: Ai'Arthit, why are you not drinking?

Arthit: Kong went to order our drinks.

P'Bright: Alai wah? Are you drinking that pineapple thingy again? Whyyy??? You only drink Pink Milk. Now suddenly you're both into pineapples? What gives? We're here to drink alcohol. You can even order a Dr. Pecker, Penile Colarous, The Leg Spreader, Strawberry Stripper, Pierced Fuzzy Navel, Red Balls, Blue Balls, Sex Machine, Sit on My Face, Deep Throat, Slippery Nipples or Blowjob if you want to gay it up. So whyyyy would you order just plain old pineapple fruit juice? Whyy? Enlighten me. :leaned into Arthit's personal bubble:

Arthit: I told you, it's an experiment. :blushes:

P'Bright: Come on tell me, tell me, tell me.

Arthit: Okay, but you're so going to regret it. :looks down and say it quitely: It's so that you taste like candy. :runs to Kong, feeling his cheeks burn:

P'Bright: Alai wahh? What? What taste like candy?

P'Toota: Your cum, you idiot. If you eat or drink real citrus fruit your cum taste like fruit or candy. Right, baby? :looks fondly at his boyfriend:

P'Bright: Oh My Ghawd! My ears! My Ears!

P'Toota: Serves you right for being nosy.

Later when everyone decided to leave for the night Bright decided to get the last jibe at Arthit for the teasing he got earlier.

P'Bright: Hey, Ai'Arthit don't get pregnant okay? I'm too young to be a god-father to your kids.

Arthit: Don't worry, I'm on the Pill.

(Pill to prevent pregnancy)

Everyone bursts into laughter at their antics.

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AN ~ Thank you so much for your votes and comments, they totally made my day and makes me want to write more

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AN ~ Thank you so much for your votes and comments, they totally made my day and makes me want to write more. ^-^ <3

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