April 23, 2058--Twists and Turns

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I pull my hand through my hair and sigh with frustration. A million emotions run through my head, giving me a slight headache. Will disappeared around a year ago, and it wreaked havoc on everyone in the city. Will was a star student and athlete, and one of my best friends. If he wrote something to us and got it to us, that means that, somehow, he is still alive. When he disappeared, we cried out for him, but it was like he was snatched away from us. After that we never saw or heard from him. But, why would he be warning us. Could it have something to do with what's beyond The Line?

After some thought, I reply," It's probably just a scam. Do you really think that Will, after a whole year, wouldn't have written to us if he had the ability to? You know Will, he wouldn't have left us to just be worried and depressed over him."

"You're probably right, I just" She runs her hand through her hair and stares at the floor."I just want to believe that he could be alive again. Maybe things could go back to the way they were. Like that one summer back in Tennessee. We were all happy and it was just, amazing."

I feel so bad for her. They were perfect for each other whether they knew it or not. I don't think they knew that each of them were head over heels for each other. Everyone who saw them knew, and it was the sweetest thing. But, I think she blames herself for his disappearance. I don't know why because she doesn't like to talk about it, but I know that she does.

" Megan, Will is gone, and Delilah is right. He would have written to us if he had the ability to. You know that. I know you do. So, can we just get to school and ignore that note. It's a scam, and we shouldn't waste any more time on it." Justin remarks in a gentle tone.

I smile at him and try to show him that I am grateful for him backing me up. We both know how stubborn his sister can be and how caught up on things she gets. So, she, after glaring at him, starts the car up and speeds off to school.

As soon as we arrive, I am welcomed with the smell of fresh baked cookies. Around me swirls the clutter of students in their own little bubbles. The sights and sounds remind me of how much I missed school. I know some people would think I was a nerdy dork for saying something like that, but, I just kind of like having a purpose I guess.

"Guys, there are cookies at the front office, and we need them!" Megan exclaims while dragging her brother towards the office.

I chuckle at her sudden outburst and follow after her smiling. The annual bake sale at the beginning of school has been an Excel tradition for years, and everyone looks forward to it. As we walk (more like run after Megan) into the front office, the stench of cookies overwhelms my senses. We grab one each and head to the central holoboard to check our schedule. I recognize the ever-so-popular Safety Precautions class, and am pleased to see that we all have it together. My classes are Music, Trig, Writing, English, Gymnastics, Theatre, and Safety Precautions. Justin and I share 3 classes, and Meg and I share 5, but in total we all share together 3. Since Meg is going to be an author, she shares those classes with me. We all quietly talk about our classes after being shushed by the Administer for the third time.

Music class passes by quickly, because we just learned about the year ahead, and once again got reminded of The Line. We all meet up again at the Central Quarters, and head over to Trig. Class goes by as slow as ever, and Meg falls asleep.

"Open to page 432, and-"Mrs. Harrison says to the class.

She is cut off by a loud rumbling from the Earth. Justin, Meg, and I look at each other frantically as the ground starts to shake in slow, fast intervals. We grasp onto the desks, trying to stabilize ourselves. As the trembles get faster we stand up, terrified that the seat will break. A huge tremor shakes out, causing Meg to scream a high pitched fearful screech.

Mrs. Harrison yells at us as the tremors suddenly stop, " Justin, Megan, and Delilah, I don't know what the reason for all of this commotion was, but all three of you have detention. My room right after school."

I glance at Meg and she looks as confused as I feel. Did they not feel the shakes? Did they not hear the groans coming out from the Earth? I look around me and see a various series of emotions ranging from fear to snickers and whispering. How did they not feel it? I don't understand.

Meg, as she usually does, is the first one to question Mrs. Harrison. "How did you not feel it?'

"Feel what?" Mrs. Harrison asks, with a look of concern crossing over her face. I quickly glance at Justin, knowing that something else is going on.

"The-the tremors and the shakes and-and all of that bad stuff." Megan looks scared and fearful as Mrs. Harrison comes over and sits her down.

"Megan dear, are you on something?" Mrs. Harrison looks very concerned now, as if we were completely lying.

"No! I am not on anything! Why would you think that?!" Meg swats her hand away.

We hurry over to Meg and attempt to calm her down as the sonic ringing system(SRS) goes off. I am not sure what just happened, but sadly I think it has to do with Will's note. I'm not sure I can tell Meg yet, but I will. Just not now, I think it will hurt her too much.

                                              Author's Note

I would like to thank those who have read my book, even though there are only a few. Each read makes me super happy, and I really appreciate it. If anyone of you has an idea for my book, I would love to know. Also, I tried to upload a cast and it didn't quite work so, listed below is the cast that I have so far.

                                     Ginny Gardner- Delilah Evans

                                     Nina Dobrev- Megan Chrisner

                                     Owen Devalk- Justin Chrisner

                                        Ian Nelson- Will Macklin

         Happy Valentines Day, and once again thank you so much,



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