April 23, 2058-- Clues and Details

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                                                 Author's Note

So, thanks to sanjayperera's amazing tip. I will now be writing my author's note at the beginning of each chapter instead of at the end. But, I will still add comments that pop into my head while I write to the end. if anyone disagrees or approves, I would love to bout it in the comments. Also, I am so very happy with the amount of views I have been getting on my book recently. To some it may seem like a small amount, but we are So close to 100! It makes me so excited about just stuff I guess, but still thank you so much. And, last thing, does anyone have any suggestions for how many words I should put? Because lately, I have been worrying about the amount of words. it should be increasing soon, as there will be more perspectives in the chapters. Once again, thank you!





School just ended and I am exhausted. What I really need right now is to go home, curl up on my bed with a cup of tea, and watch my holonet. But no, I have detention. Thanks to that random earthquake thing. I've never been in an earthquake before, but we learned about it in Science a long time ago. It really freaked me out. I just...it was so weird how no one else felt it but me, Meg, and Justin. I don't understand.

But, could it have to do with Will? It seems like more than just a coincidence that they both happened the same day. But, how? How is he still alive after a whole year? So many questions are whizzing through my mind, that I barely even notice Megan screaming at me.

"Delilah?! Earth to Delilah?! Justin, do you think she's even in there? Delilah!"

Megan's constant screaming is irritating me, and I snap back. "What on earth is so important that you feel the need to keep screaming at me?!"

"We have detention remember? Oh please tell me you did feel it too?" Megan retorts.

"I did, don't worry. And, it's already 4:00, so we need to hurry, or Mrs. Harrison will freak out. She already thinks you're high." Justin snorts, sending a slight giggle out of my throat.

Megan mock glares at us, but shakes her head and walks away. As we are walking, I spot a small blue jay in the distance and smile. Sometimes, I just like looking around at the little things. It reminds me that there is life outside of Westen, and one day I will be there. Suddenly, a voice pops up behind me.

"You thinking about life outside of the city again?"

I smile, knowing only one person who knows that about me. "Yeah, someday you and I will grab Megan and leave here. We will finally be free. Or, maybe, we could see beyond the line. Just like that blue jay." Justin's blueish eyes smile back at me. I confide in him a lot because he understands me. And, he can just make me happy when I need to stop stressing.

I saw everything spin out of control. The tears streaming down my face wouldn't stop, and I was trembling with fear. My body starts shaking uncontrollably for no reason whatsoever.

"Wh...Wha...what's h-hap-pening?" My lip trembles as I curl up into an even smaller ball than before.

"Shhh you'll be alright. It's gonna be okay." Justin's soft expression calms me down slowly, but the tears keep coming.

He wraps his arms around me and I sob into his wrinkled T-shirt. He rocks me back and forth, and I slowly calm down. I look up into his eyes and whisper a quiet thank you.

I've been having those panic attacks since I was four, and he was always there to help me. He would stay with me for hours, getting me to calm down. I've probably ruined at least ten different T-shirts of his, but he still doesn't mind. Whenever Megan wasn't around, he would always be there for me. It's probably the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me.

Mrs. Harrison snaps me out of that flashback. I get them randomly and it's not really fun.

"Welcome all you rule breakers and class disrupters to Detention 101. Today, we will be learning how to be respectful. Open your books, oh wait, you don't have any. So, today you will sit quietly for an hour. Have fun!"

Her sarcasm can sometimes be a bit overboard.

Around the middle of detention, Mrs. Harrison finally leaves, enabling us to try and figure things out. We waited a couple of minutes till we were sure she wouldn't come back.

"So, what happened today in Trig?" Meg asks while twirling her hair with her finger.

"I don't know," Justin says. " But you guys did feel it, right?"

I force out a laugh," How could we not? We are the only alive people in that room apparently." I stare at the ground, preparing myself for Megan's reaction. " But, and yes I know, we were wrong, I think it might have had to do with Will's letter. If he really is still out there, he would have been the one to know something like this was going to happen. I mean, he did cross."

Megan sharply inhales. I know I just hit a soft spot bringing up Will's past decision.

She starts off with a quiet, mumbled "I knew it. Will just couldn't have died. He wouldn't have left me- us, I mean us, for good."

I shake my head and sigh. If Will really did know what was going to happen, it might have meant he had something to do with it. No! I can't believe you just thought that. Will would never do anything to hurt us. But still, how did he know. And what exactly was beyond the line? Does the darkness just go for miles? If only Will wrote a second letter. Wait, maybe he will. And maybe we could find him. If so, all of my questions would finally be answered.

" Guys, do you think Will might write a second letter? If he warned us about this, then he might come back to help us." I ask, still questioning my own theories.

"I mean, knowing Will, that could happen." Justin remarks bluntly, as if we all should have known that.

I know he doesn't mean to change moods like that. He just does it when he is stressed. Or upset. Or angry. I chuckle, gaining me weird looks from everyone in detention.

Then, I noticed that one kid in the corner. I'm not sure what his name was. It started with a K...Ka- Kace...No it was Kade. I've heard rumors about him, really insane ones too. Once, I heard that he broke into the principal's office, broke a teacher's nose, and punched a Year 14, just to get a grade change in science. Not many kids like him, because they are scared of him. He just has the bad boy vibe around him, and many teachers don't like him. But, I do know that he was one of Will's old friends.

I suddenly realize that I was staring at him, and he snaps his head in my direction and glares. Yeah, I definitely see why people don't like him.

Finally, detention gets out after what seems like hours. Justin, Meg, and I run into the sunlight letting it soak into our skin. We completely forget about everything that has happened, and we laugh and laugh for no reason. Its moments like these when I feel 100 percent complete. I love it. Little did I know that the walk home would change everything.


                                                                   Hey guys,

So this chapter is dedicated to Texas_Ranger303 for coming up with the character of Kade. I am really excited for the next few chapters as they will have a ton of action and excitement. I love you all!



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