Too cute// Jughead

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This one goes out to heather
You sit in a booth at pops, it's almost midnight but this happens a lot
you and Jughead just hang out at pops for hours, talking about nothing and everything really.
"No Juggy, if we were in a movie I would be the main character!" You argue with him about some stupid subject
"Why?" He laughs
"Because your boring, you just sit around all day and write stuff!" You try to make a point.
"Oh yeah!!?" He giggles at your argument, probably because it's half true.
"Yeah, here pretend I'm you" you really want to win this. You start to mock Jughead
"I'm Jughead and I sit and eat burgers all day" you say in a high pitched voice
"Hay, why is my voice so high?"
He gets defensive
"Because, you haven't hit puberty yet" you laugh at your
own remark and he gives you a big smile.
"Where did that big smile come from?" You poke at him
"Because Heather, your amazing" he smiles wider
"Awww Juggy, you are to" you laugh and hug your adorable boyfriend
Sorry that was short but I did this in a rush so enjoy heather!!

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