Rey was gone.

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I'm gonna start doing P.O.V s now. (Point Of View) So yeah.

Poe's P.O.V
I walked down the corridor with Finn... But it wasn't the same without Rey. There wasn't any laughter. No joyous smiles, no messy brown hair pulled into a pretty but messy bun... Nothing, and Rey was gone forever. I couldn't accept that.

Finns P.O.V
I was bored. There wasn't going to be anyone sitting next to me in any class. Just an empty chair. And empty chair that would gather dust as the school year went on. I missed her. And Poe did too, I could tell. Our best friend... Gone. Making new friends, forgetting about us. Soon, we'd be just like the dust that gathered on her empty seat.

The thing I didn't know was that no dust would appear on Rey's empty seat. Because, when I got to my first class, Science, someone was sitting there.

In Rey's seat.

Poe's P.O.V
I said goodbye to Finn and made my way to Math. Our teacher was none other than Mr. Akbar. He used to serve in the Vietnam War, and was always talking about the "good old Days", and always bored us with war talk.

As I suspected, he was wearing his U.S.A Badges, the ones he earned while serving in the war. It looked like he polished them twenty times a day, and each time his pride grew.

"Ah, Mr. Dameron. Welcome," He Gestured to my seat. I took the seat and slung the backpack over the back. Setting my books on the small desk in front of me, I noticed there was now built in pencil sharpeners attached to my desk.

I raised my hand. The other kids looked at me. I never really raised my hand in math class before. "Yes, Mr. Dameron?" Mr. Akbar looked surprised. Or should I say Admiral Akbar, because that's what he told us to call him.

"Um, when we're the pencil sharpeners installed?" I asked.

I only asked because it had been Rey's idea. She had once talked to the school board about it, and they had said they'd get back to her. Man, would she have been happy to see this.

Finns P.O.V

I sheepishly sat next to the new girl. She had bleached blonde, and I mean, VERY blonde hair that was so short it looked like a boys hair. She snorted as I sat down. "No way, hotshot." She grabbed her bags and walked away. Her silver jacket and pants seemed to glimmer like the sun.

Unsurprisingly, she took a seat next to Hux and Kylo. "Great, a new jerk. Just what we needed," I muttered. This was gonna be a tough year.

"Phasma, was the idiot mouthing off to you?" Hux asked. Phasma laughed. "What's the guys name?" She sneered. "Finn," Answered Kylo.

Sensing teasing coming on, I said, "What kind of name is Phasma?" After I said it, I knew I shouldn't have. Phasma stood and walked over to me. "I'll tell you this, punk. One more mouth off, and I'm serious. I'll hit you so hard, Google won't be able to find you." She threatened. Kylo and Hux snickered. "Oh? Where'd you read that? The internet?" I sneered.

I turned back around and waited for the teacher to walk in the oak door. Phasma grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "What did you say?" just then, the door opened.

An old man with gray hair and a rough beard entered. He looked like he had seen and been through a lot. Like, alot.

Luke's P.O.V

I looked at the class, and they looked at me. Their eyes were filled with wonder and curiosity. Just like mine had been. I remembered going to this very school and looking at my teacher, Yoda, and having the same kind of wonder for the short man.

"Hello, class. My name is Luke Skywalker. I'm your new Science teacher. I hope you all won't miss your last teacher too much." I smiled. They smiled back. I liked them and I think that they liked me.

"No need to call me Mr. Skywalker- Luke will do." I set my briefcase down on my desk and sat down.

"Alright. Let's go around and say names. I know, it's alot like kindergarten, but how else am I supposed to get to know names?" My class laughed.

I was going to try to do my best for this class. My sister, Leia, was doing the same thing. Protect them from Snoke.

Protect them at all costs.

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