Forming the Triad

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"Really your late again Allen" I say annoyed as someone walks into the CSI lab.

"Whose Allen?" Says a British voice

Looking up wondering who was in my lab. I almost double over on my chair "Potter?"

"Hello Draco, or should I call you "Julian Albert"" Harry asks looking down at my name plate.

  I sigh and look at him "what do you want potter I'm busy"  I say annoyed and go back to my paper work

"I'm here to find out why your working as a muggle csi, and what you know about the Other Philosophers Stone and Savitar" he says and I sit there not knowing what to say when Barry Allen walks in saving the day.

   "Oh hi sorry to interrupt didn't know you where having someone by" Allen says

  "You didn't interrupt anything this is my old school "

  "Harry" he interjects and shakes hands with Barry

  "I'm Barry nice to meet you, I've never met any of Julian's childhood friends"

   Harry is about to say something so I interject "well you just did, didn't you say you where in a rush Harry" I say

  Harry sighs "yes I do Ill ring you later "mate" he says and leaves

I watch him leave sigh and look at Barry whose looking at me

  "What" i say scowling and go back to my work

"Nothing.. it's just nice meeting an old friend of yours.. oh by the way you want to have dinner with me and Iris tonight" he says fidgeting

   I raise an eyebrow, I'm about to say no but I can see how much this means to him and I nod.

   I watch as he grins like a child in a candy store "great we can go home together" he says

    'Home together' I think to myself and just brush it off as careless wording.

  "shall we go" Barry says

  "Mr.Allen I do not leave work early" I say as he points to the clock to show me our shifts are over.

   "Alright I just..." I start to say before I'm zoomed off to Barry's house my bag in his hand. I reach to grab it but he's already got that and my coat hanging up.

   "Babe what did I tell you about zooming into the house" iris says coming out and smiles when she sees me

  "I'm so glad you came" she says "dinner will be ready in a few minutes" she says and goes back into the kitchen

  "Thank you" I say and stand there not sure what to do.

  "Sit down Julien" Barry says pulling out a chair for me at the dining room table.

  I nod my cheeks flushing a little as I sit down, 'why are getting embarrassed' I ask myself as I look up and across the table into Barry's deep blue eyes and big smile, I feel my cheeks heat up again and look down at my hands.

"alright boys dinner is ready" I hear iris say and look up to see a her set down a delicious looking casserole.

   "That looks wonderful" I say as she plates

  "Thank you Julian your such a sweetheart" she says smiling as she puts my plate infront of me, than one infront of Barry before sitting down with her own plate.

   I sit quietly waiting to see if they have any pre dinner rituals be it religious or otherwise but aside from Barry saying thank you and kissing Iris they began eating. So I did.

  "barry talked me into  joining the waverider crew until he can figure out how to change the future" she says to me and I look at her wide eyed. Barry had told me about the crew of the waverider after they helped save  the world from Aliens, but before I could say anything

  "I don't want Barry to be alone... while I'm gone .. and we have both talked about mutual feelings for you.. what I'm trying to say is Julian will you be in a three way relationship with us?" She asks looking at me seriously

   Dropping my fork I look at them, to be honest I knew I have had separate

attractions to them, but now that I look at both of them sitting there I think about how nice her proposal sounds. But there was still doubt in my mind

     "Would you have asked me under different circumstances or is this out of desperation and or fear?" I ask and neither of them break their gaze from me and confidently say "yes" .

I could see their telling the truth, and I smile. But my inner workings told me I should walk away that this was to taboo, not only were they muggles but a three person relationship? This was all to much. Or was it? I think about why I was so easily duped by Savitar because when he spoke to my mind he said he could undo all the bad I did, the bad my family did, he told me that my life could be different. And so I went and I searched for him and what did I get another person using me, not giving me choices, but these two asked me, they gave me this choice.

  "Yes but there are things I need you to know"

they pause and stare at me and I start to worry this was a setup a joke on my behalf. Then they jumped up and hug me. I tense up not used to close affection that they notice and pull back

  "Sorry were huggers" Barry says

  "So what is it you wanted to tell us" Iris asks sitting.

   Taking a deep breath I stand up and go to my bag, pull out my wand, sitting back down I place it on the table "I'm a wizard and my real name is Draco Malfoy"

   They both look at me like I'm completely mad.

  "Really? After all you've seen this seems nuts" I say exasperated, picking up my wand I move around the plates.

   "Oh my god  he's really a wizard bear" Iris says

   "So wait that guy in the lab earlier, was that?" He asks looking at me.

    "Yes that was Harry Potter" I grumble

   "Wait what you met Harry Potter" Iris says looking at Barry

   He looks at her "yeah well I didn't know it at the time but a guy named Harry visited him at the lab, and at first I thought nothing of it and than when Julian.. I mean Draco revealed who he was"

    "Ok I need to meet Harry Potter and by the um Julian? Draco? This has upped your hotness loads" Iris says

   "Either name is fine" I say blushing, turning more red as Iris plants a kiss on my cheek.

  "another thing I lied about what made me go in search of the philosophers stone, I never had a sister, I was just weak... a voice told me that if I freed the stone from its prison that it could undo all the mistakes I made in my life, that it could remove this" I say pulling up my sleeve revealing the dark mark, which neither seemed shocked by just amazed, I did here that Rowling was acute in detail on her account on the second wizarding war which the ministry was none to happy about.

   "Your not weak Julian, we've all made decisions thinking it was for the best and sometimes it just doesn't turn out that way" Barry says looking down at his hands.

Like we were already a tandem me and Iris both placed a hand on one of Barry's.

   "I think that you were brave leaving the world you knew to try to fix things that I believe you should feel guilty for, and if the books are any indication about how your family really feels living among muggles all this time must have been hard on you but you dId and you've helped save numerous life's by doing so including ciscos and my own.

  "And it brought you to us, sometimes destiny has a weird way of guiding us to where we belong" Iris adds to Barry's declaration

   I blush "thank you" I say as tears run down my face

  "Now get on that phone and invite The Harry Potter over and the others" iris says grinning, I laugh glad for the new subject and and begrudgingly call back the number that's tried to reach me, "hi Harry it's me" I say

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