The Reunion

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It didn't take Potter and Ginny all that long to apparate into Barry's apartment.

"Sorry hope it ok I tagged along" Ginny says smiling

"No it's no problem at all" Iris says her voice giddy from seeing people apparate and seeing characters from the book.

  I was about to say something when a burning pain started up on my wrist, clenching my teeth I pull up my sleeve and sure enough the dark mark on my wrist was glowing red, the serpent moving around the skull, my initial reaction was to touch it but I stopped myself knowing it would just make things worse, and by noise Potter made his scar must be burning as well.

"Are you alright" I hear Barry and Iris say, their voices seemed so far away and distant as the pain worsened and soon the entire world went black.

  Waking up with a start I look around and notice Barry and Iris sitting on the edge of the bed I was apparently moved onto.

"What happened" I groan

  "You passed out" Iris said putting a cold wash cloth on my face.


  "He passed out too we helped Ginny lay him down in the guest room" Barry says

  "What happened anyway?" He asks

  "I don't really know, all of a sudden the dark mark started burning and the snake, it was moving around, and then it goes blank" I say and look at my arm glad to see the mark wasn't moving around anymore.

"I just don't understand what set it off... he's dead..." I say, as I see Savitar in the corner of the room

"I'm not fully dead, I live within the crystal, well I did until you set me free, now I'm a new entity,, one that will destroy all" he says and disappears

I try to breath as a realization comes to me "Savitar... he.. he's the dark lord... the crystal it was a horcrux and when I opened it, it set him free.." I say shaking, I relax a little as I feel Barry and Iris put a hand on my face.

  "So HE is the one under the metal suit" Iris says

  I nod

"So I get killed by the dark lord" I can hear the fear in her voice even though she tries to hide it.

"In one future.. only in that future" I say and put my hand ontop of hers.

  "I just don't know what set it off Potter was in my office earlier and nothing happened why this time" I ponder as Ginny comes in.

  "How are you feeling, Harry's sleeping"

  "I'm fine, do you know what Potter was going talk to me about?"

  Ginny shifts and nods

"A couple days after your Peru incident dark wizards started moving around, and one even shot up the dark mark a few days later after killing an auror in the middle of Diagon Alley and yelled that the dark lord was returning, and vanished before he could be caught, and after some digging Harry noticed the connection between the events.. he wants to find out the truth before someone else notices and think you purposely awoke HIM" she said quietly

I laid there in shock though I had just heard Savitars words and told the others about it I still wanted to not believe it but it was true the stone was a horcrux. But questions still remained like how his horcrux became a speedster and why he wore the armor and how he became physical.

"What if all those tusks where sacrifices to remake his body like he did before" Barry says

  "That could be" I say feeling sick, knowing that all of this was my fault. That I was after all my fathers son and continued his work of resurrecting the dark lord, unintentionally but I still did.

"Ok but how did he become a speedster and such a fast one" Iris says

  No one answers as no one has a clear cut answer.

"Could it be that he's using magic or the stone had power properties in which he gained when he entered the stone?" Ginny says

   "It's possible" I say in a low voice still trying to get over the fact I was tricked by the dark lord into doing his dirty work.

  "I know that look, Barry gets it all the time, it's not you fault Julian, Savitar used you like he used my brother, neither of you could help what he'd done, just think if you didn't find it and one or his followers did things could be a lot worse right now" Iris says and kisses my cheek

  "Thank you Iris" i say blushing as Potter comes into the room

  "You've looked better Malfoy"

  "You have to Potter" I say and we glare at each other

  "You two have had sex haven't you?" Iris says in a giddy voice and we both turn to look at her my face heating up

  "Why would you think that" we both say

  "Point proven" she says and her, Ginny and Barry have knowing smiles on their faces.

  "Oh yeah in their fourth, fifth and sixth year"

  I looked at her

"What you think I didn't notice? I was obsessed with you two I watched you all the time" she says grinning

  I look at Harry who is as red faced as I feel.

  "Ok I have to ask who was top" Barry says

  I make a noise "isn't that obvious" I say smirking

  "Why do you think Potter was always moving about cause his arse hurt to much to sit" I say grinning proudly

The blush creeping up Harry's face made it even better.

"Don't we have more important things to think about" Harry stutters, his breathing a little heavy. He wanted me and that made me grin evilly.

   I had to hold back a laugh as Harry walked out of the room. Looking over at Barry and Iris I could tell they were in the mood. I smile and kiss both of them.

"Not to be the mood killer but I really think we should work on this Savitar thing" Ginny says quietly

  "Yes, right, sorry" Barry says blushing "I know you have to keep your secrets but I've got a team back at star labs I work with and I think we'd get more done in a group meeting, their great people who can keep a secret" he says in one breath and I shake my head

  "Alright I'll go talk Harry into it" she says smiling with a wink.

   "Later" Iris says biting her lower lip

   "Oh yes" I say and lick my lips enjoying the soft moans Barry and Iris make

   "So Harry said he's fine with it" Ginny says coming in smiling

    "I do have to say one more irrelevant thing, I miss your long hair Draco" she says a little sadly

     Sighing "alright get me my wand" I say, smiling like a schoolgirl she bounces out of the room to get my wand.

  "She always gets what she wants" I groan and the others laugh. They'll laugh now but when she has them wrapped around her finger they won't be laughing anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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