Things Have Changed

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(Seth Rollins Point of View)

(1 Year Later)


"1.....2.....3!" The crowd shouted with the ref then the bell rang!

"Here is your winner, SETH ROLLINS!" The announcer shouted as the crowd cheered me on after my match with Triple H.

I posed for the crowd and eventually left the ring to go to gorilla. I got there and Triple H was waiting for me.

"You killed it Seth!" Hunter said and gave me a hug.

"Thank you. You did alright too." I said which made Hunter laugh.

"Yeah yeah. Get your ass to the back!" Hunter said smirking at me as I left the gorilla position and went to the locker room.

I quickly took a shower so I could watch the rest of the show. I got out and changed into my clothes and walked out to put my gear in my bag.

"You had a great match." I heard a woman say behind me. I turned around and I saw Sasha Banks holding a baby.

"Sasha!" I said and hugged her.

"How are you Seth?!" Sasha asked me.

"I'm-I'm good. Is this?"

"Yes..." She said.

"What's her name?" I asked her.

"Olivia." She said.

"Can I hold her?" I asked and she nodded her head yes. She handed Olivia to me and I smiled at her.
"Hi Olivia! You have a pretty name you know? You're also a pretty girl..." I said and saw Sasha smiling at us.
"Does he know"

"No... I'm surprised he hasn't seen the difference yet." She told me.
"Does she know?" Sasha asked meaning Becky.

So....I'm still with Becky.

"No she doesn't know." I told her.

"Okay... Good."

"I love her Sasha..." I said smiling at Olivia.

"SASHA!" Mikaze yelled.

"I have to go." She said sticking her hands out to grab Olivia. I handed Olivia to her and she started to leave.

"Wait, Sasha!" I said and she stopped to look at me.


"It was nice to see you." I said smiling at her.

"Same." She said smiling back at me, then shut the door and left.

"Oh my god!" I said to myself sitting down on the couch.

"Isn't she cute?" I heard Becky say opening the door.

"Yeah...she really is."

"I enjoyed your match with Hunter." Becky said coming over to me and kissed my cheek.


"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Oh it's nothing.."

"You sure? You don't sound like nothing's wrong."

"I'm fine Becky.. Seriously!" I said and we passionately started kissing. Becky let go.

"I love you." Becky said smiling at me.

"Love you too babe." I said smiling back at her.

(Few Hours Later)

After WrestleMania, Becky and I went our separate ways to room with my friends for the night. Normally we sleep together, but I needed this. I got into the car with Dean and I started driving away from the arena.

"You feeling alright?" I asked Dean.

"Oh yeah. Being put through a table while falling from a ladder is nothing! Being thrown off a ladder is nothing!" Dean sarcastically said.

"I know how you feel man. You did that to me a few years ago."

"Yeah!" Dean chuckled.
"You see Sasha?"

"Of course I did. Man... I forgot just how much I love her. It doesn't help that we have a kid now."


"Dean, I need to be with Sasha. I can't just hope that Mikaze doesn't want her anymore. I just... I just need to get her. I need to just go for it. I'd be a WAY better father and boyfriend than Mikaze." I said.

"I know...but you-"

"No buts Dean. I have to do this."

"You tried before but it didn't work out! What makes you think it will now?" Dean asked.

"We have a kid now. Mikaze's probably been treating her like shit. I think I might have a shot to finally have her." I said smiling.

"Alright..." Dean said then lowered the car seat to sleep.

(The Next Day)


Dean and I show up to the arena and head to the locker rooms. We set our stuff down and I left to go find Sasha.

After searching for a bit, I found her with Olivia in catering.

"Hey Sasha." I said sitting at her table.

"Hey Seth! How are you?" She asked smiling at me.

"That's why I'm here. Look Sasha.... I still have feelings for you."


"Sasha! I have feelings for you still and I can't just let this go! I mean you have my kid!" I said.

"Quiet!" Sasha said.


"Seth....honestly I'm over it. Mikaze and I are raising the kid. You have a nice girl with you! Be with Becky... She loves you." Sasha said.

"But I love you...and she doesn't have her." I said pointing to Olivia.

"! I'm not leaving Mikaze because you want me to.....! Sorry... I-I know it's a weird situation because Olivia is yours and mine, but it is what it is... Seth... You have to move on like I did. You can see Olivia but that's it. I'm sorry." Sasha said getting up and leaving.


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