Chapter two.

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I woke up in a strange bedroom, the light was blocked out by the curtains, but the bed was heaven. What did I do last night? I woke up to feel my body and all the things that had happened came back to me. They flooded my brain over and over again I couldn't get them out. I grabbed the water next to me and chugged it, thirsty was an understatement.

I walked in to the bathroom that was attached to this bedroom pulled my sweatpants I had on down and sat down to do my business. The pain took over my body as I cried trying to pee, I didn't know how bad he hurt me down there but it felt like he ripped me in half. A knock was at the door as I wiped up. "Yes?" "Are you okay? I heard crying." "Uhh one second." I pulled the sweatpants up and washed my hands quickly before pulling my hair up in to a bun and opening the door. "It's okay it just hurt to you know pee." He nodded and followed me in to the bedroom where I sat down on the bed my face scrunching up in pain. "I have your pain medicine if you would like that." "Yes please, uhm I never got your name?" "You did but I understand why you don't remember it's Baron, Baron Corbin." He smiled and put his hand out, I shook it softly and smiled back at him. He had this charm that pulled me in, that gave me all those tingles and butterflies throughout my body. But I couldn't trust him, yes he may of saved me but he could have the same idea just waiting to make his move.

He handed me a couple pills and I swallowed them with my water and laid back down in to comfy bed ready for a nap even though I just woke up. "I'll leave you to your nap." I watched as he walked towards the door about to leave. "Please don't leave me." The thoughts of last night raced through my mind again and again making me feel unsafe even just by myself.

I woke up with my head on Baron's chest and his arm around me, I felt safe. I felt him move softly and yawn. I looked up at him, he smiled and held me just a little bit tighter. "You okay?" "A little groggy but it helps the pain." "I'm glad! What that guy did was horrible I still wanna go find him and beat more of his ass." I cracked a half smile and held on to his hand. "I don't need you leaving please." I pleaded with him, I didn't trust him but I trusted him at the same time if that even made sense.

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