Chapter Fifteen

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  The next morning I opened my eyes and stretched out my arms, only to find myself lying in my own hospital bed. I looked around and saw nobody. My room was empty, and silence. No trace of color, no children squealing. "Jake? Lauren? Luke? Gabby? Doctor?" I yelled out but nobody came in. Suddenly I fell back into the pills, as though I was pushed down by ten men. I couldn't lift my arms, or my head. I could hear footsteps coming towards me, and saw Gabby and Luke looking down at me. "Oh mom, why couldn't you have held on a little while longer?" Gabby asked. I tried and tried to answer, but nobody could hear me. "Your babies never got to experience what you do as a mom. They will never get to play bakery. We will love and miss you mom forever and ever." Luke said as they each kissed my forehead. I fought to lift my arms, or something to signal that i'm okay. Nothing was working. As they both left, another pair walked up. Lauren and Harley were next to stand over me "Mom, how could you leave dad with the babies? How could you leave us now? We were finally starting to become a normal family like the good old days, and now that will never happen. I miss you mom." Lauren said as tears were streaming down my cheek. I was determined to move and show that I was okay, but every time I tried nothing would work. The two of them left the room, when I heard one more person coming up too me.   

***Author note***

Hey, sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to leave you at a bit of a cliff hanger. Happy valentines Day to all my followers, and hope you are enjoying the book so far. 

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