Chapter Twenty Four

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The last thing I remember is hearing screams roar through the house. All that I could think about was, if Agnus hurt one of my children. How could one woman be so cruel to a family, especially my family. We may not be perfect, but we are better then some families. I didn't understand where I was, everything was pitch black. Was I dead? Or was I just in a dark room? The one thing I needed was Jake. He always makes me feel better and if their is a chance to see him one last time, I would take it...

Jake's Point of View

I turned my head to look at Jane, when Agnus fired two more shots. I didn't know where she hit, but I managed to get one more shot off into her chest. Damn that felt good. I heard a thud behind me, and the screams from my children. They all came running over to me. But why? Was I hurt? I felt fine, but when they rushed past me I feared the worst. As I slowly turned around with some help from the chair, my eyes became fixed on my beautiful fiance's snow white face. Her eyes were open, but she was not awake. Luke started giving her Cpr, while Harley and Lauren held the babies. Gabby was crying and trying to shield Michael from the horror. "Gabby, go call 911. I will help Luke." She agreed and I slowly slid down to the floor and straight to her face and said "Come on my love. We need you! I need you so much. I am so sorry that I ruined our relationship." Luke continued to give her CPR, but nothing was working. Tears fell from Luke's face like Niagara falls. "Luke, I think she's gone." He reluctantly stopped, I pulled him into a hug. I looked up to see her chest slowly rising and falling. "Luke, look!" He whipped around and saw the same thing I saw. He crawled closer to her and quietly said "mama? Can you hear me?" We all trained our eyes on her face, when all the sudden she blinked. She moved her head, but was still unconscious. "Mamma?" all my children cried out. "Guys, she is just resting. Now we know that she is alive. Focus on that." Gabby ran in with the paramedics and police officers. "Dad they're here." Gabby yelled out to me. I told the paramedics that she had started breathing but was slow. Luke and a police officer helped me up, so I could go answer some questions. "Sir, what happened?" I told him what I remember. He nodded, but still had to question the children. They had gotten Jane on the gurney and were about to leave. I asked the officer "can you ask them questions at the hospital? I mean their mom is lying on that bed." He nodded and I hobbled to the ambulance. Luke and I rode with her, while Lauren and Gabby followed with the babies. Why did this have to happen two weeks before our wedding. 

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