Ghost Hunt Fanfic: Mai's Dreams??

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Okay I have done the most terrible thing to be done. I wrote a fan fiction. Not that I don’t enjoy them I read them a lot actually. But a while ago I promised myself I’d never write one myself. But I got caught up so much in Ghost Hunt (it’s an anime and a manga, but I prefer the manga) and I feel the story line would go better with a little romance.

Now don’t worry! For those of you who have never seen or read Ghost Hunt all you need to know is this:

1)      Naru is the president of the ghost hunting agency Mai works for.

2)      Naru is the biggest narcissist in existence. (For those of you who don’t know a narcissist is a person who is utterly full of themselves).

3)      Mai has a huge crush on Naru even though she wishes she didn’t.

4)      Naru is a very serious person and never jokes around or does anything not related to work. A genuine work-a-holic. He rarely ever smiles.

There! That is really all you need to know to understand this. Also I’m going to release it in two chapters. Why you ask? Because I feel like it. :D 

P.S. dont judge me... thats just not cool... i just like cute and adorable things sometimes!

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