Part I

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The raging wind blew hard against my back, causing my short hair to wildly blow against my face. I struggled relentlessly to keep it out of my mouth and eyes as I walked down the busy street. I probably looked like the stupidest girl ever. And of course this has to happen as I was walking beside the oh-so-perfect Naru.

                I glanced up at him, a question forming on my lips, when I saw that he was laughing at me, with a small smirk on his face. Yeah… change that “probably” into a “definitely”. I definitely looked like the stupidest girl ever. I blushed a violent shade of red and quickly averted my gaze and proceeded to stare at the ground as intently as possible.

                Hmph! How dare he laugh at me! He’s such a jerk, always making fun of me!

Wait a minute… Naru… Laughing…? I quickly shot another glance up at his face to confirm this.

                Naru is laughing… he never laughs… or smirks…

Him making fun of me was definitely nothing new, but he never smiled or laughed when he did it. He would just look at me with that annoyingly superior expression of his.

“It’s not funny,” I mumbled half-heartedly. My brain was still boggled from this surprising turn of events.

“Oh, I highly disagree,” he replied with a great deal of amusement in his voice. This was strange as well… Naru was always serious.

“You always disagree with me,” I retorted.

“That’s because I’m always right.” Now that, I thought, sounds more like Naru.


Car horns sounded throughout the noisy, busy streets. I was still conducting a staring contest with the ground, when we attempted to cross the street.

                “Mai!” Naru’s panicked voice caused me to snap my head up, just in time to see the car about to run me over. Suddenly, I felt warm, strong hands clamp down on my frozen shoulders. Naru’s hands.

                He roughly pulled me back, away from my ticket to an early grave. I could feel the wind that came off the car as it sped by, honking its horn. The hands continued to pull me back, off the intersection and back onto the sidewalk.

                Naru spun me around so we were face-to-face. “Are you okay? What were you thinking Mai-chan?” his tone was so gentle, but it was hard to place it as unusal.

                “I’m perfectly fine. Sorry about that…” I slowly replied, still in a state of shock.

                Wait a minute… “Mai-chan?! Did… did you just call me –chan??”

                “Yes…” he said, confusion about my sudden outburst clear in his voice and written on his face.

                Why would Naru call me –chan? This is all too strange…

Ghost Hunt Fanfic: Mai's Dreams??Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang