The Call

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A Car horn. That's all I heard in that moment that I was walking with my sister Lucy to find Susan across the street. I noticed the driver slam on his breaks just in time to avoid hitting Us.

"Watch where you‟re going!"

"I‟m sorry." Lucy shouted as she continued running across the street, dragging me along with her.

I spotted Susan at the newspaper stand and we made a beeline straight for her.

"Susan!" We both yelled, myself still out of breath from that near death experience that didn't even seem to phase Lucy at all.

"You‟d better come quick!"

"Its Peter again" I clarified.

We all pushed our way back into the station through the crowds in time to see peter get tackled by two other boys and dragged around. Just then, he sees us and it's clear he sees  the disappointment as well.

Pete and I have always been really close so I hate to see this and it's always bothered me how he is incapable of just letting things go. He he always has to put up a fight. Not just that, but he had to win as well.

Just then Edmund shoved by me and ran in to help Peter. "Edmund!" Lucy and I cried. The next thing I know Ed is jumping on someone and Peter is slammed to the ground by one of the boys.

Thankfully, not being able to watch anymore, a soldier comes in to break it up and blows his whistle.

"Act your age!" He shouted to Peter. I couldn't help but sympathize a bit though because peter has always hated people telling him this, considering the fact that we are all actually much older.

After everyone breaks apart we grab Pete and Ed and walk towards our train.

"You‟re welcome." Edmund started. I only sigh knowing that this is going to end in a fight between them.

"I had it sorted. "

"What was it this time?" Susan questioned, seeing as this is now a regular occurrence that we are all tired of witnessing.

"He bumped me."

"and so you hit him?" Lucy asked trying to make sense of his frustration beside me.

"No. After he bumped me, he tried to get me to apologize. That's when I hit him."

"Why can't you just walk away?" Susan reasoned.

'Here we go' I thought to myself, knowing exactly where peter was going to take this next.

We are all incredibly tired of Pete's behavior lately and quite frankly we have absolutely no idea how to handle it.

"I shouldn't have to! Don‟t you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"

"Uh, we are kids." Edmund stated pointing out the obvious.

"Well I wasn‟t always. ... It has been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?"

" I think it's time to accept the fact that we live here. It's no use pretending any different."

Although I agree that we should adjust back to life here, I still can't help but feel saddened because I was always accepted by far more back in Narnia than I ever was here and I miss it more than anything. I'm just so tired of the war and the nonstop conflict. All we have here is each other and more often then not we are too busy arguing to get along.

"Oh no. ... Pretend like you're talking to me." Susan panicked. I followed her gaze to a geeky looking boy who I knew must have had a thing for Susan. 'Of course' All the boys did.

"We are talking to you." Ed pointed out.

"Ow!" Lucy shouted loudly and jumped off the bench.

"Be quiet, Lucy."

"Liza pinched me!" She justified.

I looked up surprised, "Did not!"

"Hey, stop pulling!" Peter turned to Edmund leaving his seat as well.

"I‟m not touching you!" Ed defended.

I then get a rather painful yank on my hair and yelped.

"What is that?" Asked Susan.

I stare watchfully as a train passes us.

" It feels like magic." Lucy quipped hopefully.

"Quick, everybody hold hands."

I grabbed ahold of Lucy's hand on my left and Susan's on my right trying my best to prepare myself for what was happening. I couldn't control the flutter in my heart as I began hoping that this was indeed Aslan bringing us back to Narnia, back home.

"I'm not holding your hand!" Edmund complained to Peter. I roll my eyes as peter grabs onto Edmunds hand despite his moaning.

The train races past and the bricks are being pulled away. The luggage, the seat, the
platform, and the station are all gone within seconds.

The five of us now find ourselves in a cave on a beach and I begin walking forwards with the rest of them, closer to the water.

Lucy steps in front of us and smiles at Susan. The next second they run off leaving Peter, Edmund, and I to follow.

"Shame your not as quick as me!" Pete started.

"Last ones a rotten egg!"

We all took off our shoes and coats and ran toward the water.

I couldn't help myself as I jumped on Ed's back, causing him to fall backwards in the ocean as I fell off. Laughing uncontrollably Pete hits me in the face with a rather large amount of water completely drenching me. I turn towards him ans he standing there as odd he didn't do it. I start to make a run towards him when Ed catches all of our attention.

"Where do you suppose we are?"

"Well, where do you think?" Peter responds stupidly.

"Well, I don‟t remember any ruins in Narnia" he defended. I then looked up and I too saw the obvious ruins that were before us. I share a worried glance with Lucy as I wonder 'where are we?'

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