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We are rowing down Glass-water with Trumpkin and we can't help but look up at the trees.

"They‟re so still."

"They‟re trees. What do you expect?" Trumpkin responds believing that he is simply pointing out the obvious.

"They used to dance." She stated sadly.

"It wasn‟t long after you left that the Telmarines invaded. Those that survived retreated to the woods. And the trees have retreated so deeply inside themselves that no one has heard from them since."

Hearing this makes me angry. I just don't unstable how Narnia has gotten to this place. I will do absolutely everything in my power to bring Narnia back to what it once was, or at least something far better than what it has become.

"I don‟t understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?" I question.

"Aslan? I thought he abandoned us after you lot did." The dwarf said bitterly.

"We didn‟t mean to leave, you know." Pete clarified.

"Doesn't make much difference now, does it?"

"Get us to the Narnians and it will."

Finally, we reach the shore and climb out of the boat. As Trumpkin ties the boat down as Lucy wanders off.

"Hello there! ... It's alright, we're friends." I hear her say.

I turn around and see the bear stand up and look at Lucy. I can't help but smile, this was something I missed greatly.

"Don't move, your majesty!" Trumpkin shouts. Not understanding what he means, I turn to look at him but the next moment the bear is charging towards Lucy and I literally feel my heart leap out of my chest at the sight.

Susan puts an arrow to the string prepared to shoot, but knowing Susan, I know that she doesn't have it in her to kill it.

"Stay away from her!"

"Susan, shoot!" Yells Ed desperately while I grab ahold of him in fear not being able to watch.

The bear continues charging and I hear Lucy scream. Just before it reaches her, an arrow hits the bear and it falls over.

I whip my head around only to see that it was Trumpkin who fired the arrow.

"Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan questioned, still not recovered from the event that just took place.

"I expect he was hungry." Finally collecting myself I run over to Lucy with everyone else.

Peter helps her up and points his sword at the bear's body.

"He was wild," Ed began.

" I don't think he could talk at all." Finished Peter.

"Get treated like a dumb animal long enough and that‟s what you become." At those words I bend down next to the bear and pet him softy.

"I'm so sorry, we will make things better." I whisper despite knowing that he can't hear me.

I notice Trumpkin draws his knife. "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember."

At that I get up and follow the rest who are now walking through the forest once more.


"I don't remember this way at all." Susan states after wandering around for sometime.

"That‟s the problem with girls. You can‟t carry a map in your heads." Peter responds, obviously very sure of himself.

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