The Prince

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We finally found a place to rest for the night and I was so exhausted that the second my head hit the grass I fell into a deep slumber.

That night I didn't dream, not at all. It was just dark and peaceful. That is, until I feel somebody shaking me awake roughly and whisper shouting my name in a worried voice.

I open my eyes slightly, just enough to see that it's Peter. I raise my hand and pat him on the shoulder, "later Pete," I groan tiredly, my eyes closing once more.

"It's Lucy, she's not here!"

At that, I am able to pull myself out of my slumber immediately and jump to a stand with a worried expression. "What do you mean she's not here? Where could she be?!?"

"Just follow me, I think I saw some footprints over there." He stated, leading the way past the trees.

As we rush through the woods I finally spot something. I look closer and see that it's Lucy's head some distance away. "There Pete!" I whisper shout.

We are approaching her until we are practical right behind her. That is, until we hear a growl and look up to see a Minotaur in our direct line of vision. At this, Lucy shouts "Aslan!" The second the voice comes out of her mouth, Peter sneaks up and puts a hand around her to cover it.

He then slowly drags her back and she turns to see who it is, and glaces at me who was only several steps behind him. They look over and Lucy can now see that the source of the growl was not from Aslan, but a Minotaur.

We signal for Lu to be quiet as Peter steps back out slowly, drawing his sword. I stay with Lu as he approaches the Creature.

Out of absolutely nowhere, another boy comes out and tries to attack Peter. I grab ahold of Lucy as they begin fighting, giving me a heart attack.

We watch as Peter swings, misses, and then sticks his sword into the tree. The other boy kicks Peter causing him to fall. Luckily Peter recovers, and he's now coming at Caspian with a rock. I see the other boy struggling to pull Peter's sword from the tree and I can't help it as I panic and shout "No!"

At that they stop and the other boy is looking around for the source of the voice. Lu and I stand up from our crouched position, revealing ourselves. It's then that I look around and see that we are surrounded by dozens of Narnians. I watch as Peter looks around too with a confused expression on his face.

The other boy then points Rhindon at Peter and breathes heavily. During that interaction I am finally able to get a better look at the other boy. He's got long, shoulder length, dark brown hair and chocolatey dark brown eyes.

It is while I am observing him that I feel a sharp prick right where my necklace is resting on my chest, Ow!" I jump, startling Lucy.

"Are you alright?" She asks worriedly.

"Yeah...fine." I tell her, while examining my necklace, noticing that it is no longer a gold color but a deep red.

My thoughts being all over the place, I am soon interrupted when what Peter says brings me back to reality.

"Prince Caspian?" He asks, not quite sure of himself. I feel my eyes go wide in surprise and see that Lucy is equally as shocked as I.

"Yes. And who are you?" The boy responds, his Telemarine accent incredibly thick.


I turn to see Susan, Edmund, and Trumpkin run up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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