The New girl

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(Makoto's POV)

  Haru and I ran into class before Miho-sensei arrived, we were used to her scolding but she didn't do it a lot. What struck me was that she was usually already here; unlike with Haru and I it's not like her to be late. I sat my stuff down and tucked my bag slightly behind my seat, luckily we sat in the bag so nobody could trip over it.
Hearing the clicking of shoes I looked up to see our sensei walk in. We all stood up and bowed to her "Good morning Miho-Sensei" as every other day she smiled bowing back. I wasn't sure why but she seemed slightly more excited today than normal. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad thing! I'm glad she's excited but, I can't help but wonder why she was.

  "Sorry I was late class but today we had a new student coming in and I was helping her get everything sorted out. Please show respect as she introduces herself." The class muttered amongst one another but Haru and I just exchanged a glance at each other, he didn't look interested but I could tell that he kind of was. He could hide it from the others but I was the one he never could hide any of his thoughts from.
  Miho-Sensei cleared her throat getting the classes undivided attention and right next to her was a girl who had her hands clasped in front of her. Something about her seemed familiar.

  "Go ahead and introduce yourself." The girl nodded as she figited around slightly, she looked really uncomfortable. "Um...Good morning" When she spoke her voice was very soft, you can kind of sense that she was nervous but I don't blame her for being that way. Introducing yourself is always nerve-wracking.
  "My name is (L/N) (F/N) and I um... I just moved back here a couple weeks ago and I can't wait to share this school year with all of you." She quickly bowed and turned her attention towards our sensei.

  (F/N)..where have I heard that name before? "You did very well (L/N)-San, could you take the seat to the right of Tachibana-San." Hearing my name snapped me out of my thoughts causing me to look at Miho and the new girl who was looking at me. I'm guessing she told her to sit next to me, smiling I waved slightly to (F/N) and she walked over sitting in the seat next to me. She seemed familiar but I couldn't figure out why.....maybe Haru recognizes her too and could help me figure it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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