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Authors Note - Buckle up readers because I'm at it again!

I hope everyone likes Tainted Love, there are just a few things I wanted to tell you before reading.

This story contains scenes of: violence, sex, and scenes that will make you burst with feels

For the younger readers out there I will warn you before anything sex related happens. So you can just skip that part... if you want ;)

One last thing. I just wanted to say that I don't think Harry, Zayn, or Louis are capable of doing any of the things they are going to do in this story. I love the guys and I'm not trying to make them look bad, I just wanted to right them like this. So yeah :)

That's it! hope you enjoy Tainted Love and please feel free to comment, like, etc.

Ooh one more thing. NO HATE PLEASE!! Its not a good thing, I wouldnt go on your story and post hate so please dont do it to mine. If you dont like it you dont have to read it, or you could nicely tell me how to make it better :)

Ok Thanks!

Harry Styles

That name means a lot to so many people.

To some it means a friend,

To others it means an enemy,

To one it means brother.

But to me, the name Harry Styles means love.

"Your quiet baby, what's wrong?" He asks

I shake my head and look into his green eyes "Nothing's wrong, I just miss you is all..."

Harry groans and places his hand on the glass in front of us "I'm right here Posy, I'll always be right here."

A tear slides down my face and I hurriedly wipe it away, hoping he doesn't see how sad I really am. "I know, but I still miss your hugs and kisses. I miss spending hours with you just wrapped in each other's arms... I miss this glass wall not separating us."

"So do I baby, so do I."

"Why did you have to do it? Why couldn't you just leave him alone? Everything would have worked out."

Harry rolls his eyes at my questions, questions I have asked him a million times. "I had to, I had to protect you."

Soon after the guards took Harry back to his cell, leaving me alone once again. Only this time I was confused, what did he mean? Protect me from who?

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