iii. Give me a reason and I'll be happy ever after

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It's been a year, and the happiest I've been in a long time.

Turns out, Jeanie and and I live quite close by. We met at the local Starbucks and hit it off, began dating, and now I'm going pop the question and release my solo album.

Fun times.

Oh, and Brad's coming to meet me in a while; my old band has a concert close by at the moment.

I tap my foot impatiently while sitting in one of the comfortable chairs with my Expresso in Starbucks.

Ah, there he is. He's cut his hair in this cute emo way, and I resist the urge to think about pinching his cheeks.

He has a latte in his hands and sits next to me. "When're you popping the question?"

"Are you a mind reader?" I ask, incredulous. "You always seem to know what goes in my head."

"Nah," Brad smirks. "You're just easy to read."

"That just does wonders for my manliness." Sarcasm is oozing out of every word.

"I'm sure it does, but you're digressing." Brad says dismissively, sipping from the latte.

"Today." I reply, wringing my hands. "I'm so fucking nervous."

"You should be." He tells me. I scowl. Not helping! "Hopefully, she won't turn out to be a bitch like her."

I wince. "Can you not bring that up?"

"Sorry." Brad mutters, sipping his latte some more. "I've seen the way she looks at you, man." He tries reassuring me. "She fucking loves you."

"I hope." I tell him. "I really don't need my heart broken a second time."

"It won't." Brad gives me a smile which seems to help matters quite a bit. The small store opens, and I see Jeanie coming in. "And that's my cue to leave." He says, slinking quietly out of the shop as Jeanie takes his place.

I smile at her and I'm sure everyone could see the heart emoji in my eyes. I'm such a sap.

"Who was that?" She asks.

I wave my hand dismissively. "That was some random person who wanted a place to sit."

Satisfied with my answer, she smiles. "Why did you call me here?"

My smile is undeniably nervous. "We need to talk."

"Isn't that just reassuring?"

"I promise it's not what you think it is." I tell her, wringing my hands. "God, how do I say this?"

"Say what?" Jeanie demands.

I look around the place and find Brad next the door, mouthing, "Tell her, you dolt!"

I gulp nervously and look at the person who has now become the love of my life. "I'm know I'm not a romantic boyfriend or anything, but I need you to know that I love you and-"

"Adam, what's bringing this on?" She interrupts. I briefly put a finger to her lips to quieten her and continue.

"Will you marry me?" I take out the little black box in my pocket and present it to her.

Her eyes fill with tears. I immediately take this as a bad sign and say hastily, "It's okay if you're not on board the idea-"

She cuts me off the same way I did her. "Stop rambling," she whispers. "And for the record, yes. Yes, I will marry you!"

I grin ear to ear and lift her off the ground, ignoring her squeak of protest, plastering a kiss on her cheek.

Brad shouts. "She said yes!"

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