Shall 13

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Dedicated to my agony , my broken heart and Him who shall never read what his actions have produced. Even though , love conquers all. Hear the shout of your name in the capillaries of my clotted body, see your name on my feeble face, touch your name from my dead lips , and smell it from my sagging breasts. To you , the one I swear to die for , I wish to eternally write. I hail for the pain you caused me .
In your name , my pen scribes.❤️

In my decaying soul
Lies an impossible goal.
         - End of Romantic Despair -
Never with him
Life is dim
The lullaby is over.
I'm awake .
It's not so sweet now as it was then
Let him purge
Let him take
Need nothing but Death.
You made me feel
You made me kneel.
Enough no more.

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