He Was Only Sleeping

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You just stared at him, unable to scream. Not only were you exhausted, but now you can't even sleep due to him. You just had to wait. You were becoming stressed and impatient, and wanted to punch a wall. It was silent in the room, you only heard Ringo's quiet breathing, and the sound of the celing fan. You closed your eyes, and held your breath. You didn't want to be rude and just yell at him, but you know that he wouldn't wake up any time soon. That was when you heard a sudden noise. You opened your eyes, and steadily caught your breath. Ringo was waking up!

He lifted his head up, and slowly opened his eyes. They were blue, just as you expected them to be. He was wearing the same outfit your cutout had. He stared at you, then started to eye around the room nervously. His cheeks were showing a small tint of red. You heard a faint whimper. "This...this is your room?" He asked, showing a serious and worried face.

You spaced out, mainly because he even had the same adorable voice he always had. You blinked. Ringo stared, his body was faintly shaking. Speechless, you nodded your head. "I'm...I'm sorry for being in your room. I'll get out if you want. I didn't touch anything, I promise." You were going to tell him to get out, but just couldn't. It would break your heart if you just said it without warning. You shook your head and smiled. "You can stay here." You said quietly. Ringo grinned. "Thank you. I'll give you some space so you can sleep here." He rolled to the other side of your bed, and gently placed your George plushie on the pillow.

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