Chapter 3

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We walk to my private locker room and I dress in my street clothes when I get a call from Vince to go see him. "Guys I got to meet the boss right now but when I get back we can talk."

I leave the locker room and join Vince in his office. "You wanted to talk to me boss?" I asked as I walked in.

"Yes come sit down." I sit as he continues to speak, "That was amazing tonight even when your family jumped into the ring. About the fights, you are scripted to win by any means even the match against Mark (The Undertaker). You will win all the fights leading up to Hell In A Cell and then after Hell In A Cell, Mark will request a rematch which will be granted. You both will then fight at Wrestlemania, at the end of your win at Wrestlemania, you, Glenn and Mark will be entering a love storyline. I've already talked to Mark about it and honestly it was his idea. Are you up for it?"

I take in all the information and take a breath and say, "Mark came up with this exact storyline?"

Vince nods and says, "So are you in?"

I nod, "Yeah but I need to talk to Mark just to set ground rules and limits with me just coming back from a miscarriage."

I stand and shake Vince's hand. "The love storyline will start the Raw after Wrestlemania, and I am dreadfully sorry on your loss."

I nod and let myself out of his office to my locker room where my family sits. "Here is my cut for keeping the shop above debt." I say as I hand Jax the envelope containing 25K.

"There is something else lassie that Hap needs to tell you." Chibs says nodding to Happy.

"What do you need to tell me Happy?" I look at him fearing for the worst as he sighs.

Happy looks at me and says, "I don't want you anymore as my old lady. You aren't the one."

I laugh and said, "I knew you'd wake up one day after sleeping with a croweater and decide that I ain't the one. Don't worry I am now on my way to a friend to now cover up your mark. I'm sure you know the way out? Love you Jax, Chibs, Juice, Opie. Happy, hope you find her."

I walk away with my head held up high vowing not to let them see my true pain. I walk out to my bike and drive to the hotel. I just arrived to the hotel and parked my bike in the trailer that Mark has for when I have my bike, when it began to rain.

"Greattt." I sigh and head inside the lobby. I walk up to the receptionist and check in after getting Mark and Glenn's room number.

I walk to the elevator and push the button to floor 6. I lean on the back of the elevator as I wait to reach the floor when I get a call on my phone,

Mark- Hey Ivy I'm guessing that Vince told you about the road to Wrestlemania and afterwards?

Ivy- Hey Mark, yeah he did I'm actually on my way to you and Glenn's room to cash in a favor.

Mark- Oh no what is it about. Did you kill someone??

Ivy- Not that kind of favor, and no I don't kill people.

Mark- Where are you right now?

Ivy- Walking to my room and dropping my things off then going to head to your guys room.

Mark- What room are you?

Ivy- Floor 6 room 666

Mark- *Laughs* The devil's number. That's funny suits you too. Our room is right in front of yours. See you in a few

Ivy- *Laughs* okay I'll be over there in a second.

Mark- Bye

Ivy- Later

I walk into my room and drop my things onto the bed before grabbing the room key and leaving the room to Mark and Glenn's. I didn't even have to knock as Glenn opens the door motioning me inside.

"What is this favor you need of me Ivy?"

"I need a tattoo blacked out and I want a heart wrapped in barbed wire bleeding on my wrist. I want you to do it please." I bow my head as tears leak out and down my face.

"What tattoo and what happened?" Glenn and Mark pull me to a bed and make me sit on the bed as they hold me.

"This one and he fucked a croweater then decided to end things between us." I said as I lowered my t-shirt collar to show the HAPPY tattoo.

Mark nods and pulls out his tattoo gun and starts it up as he has me lay down he says, "We do this, there is no going back, are you sure?"

I take a breath and nod, "Yeah I am, thank you Mark."

Mark nods, "I need you to take off your shirt for this."

I nod and take it off and lay back down in my red and black bra with the letters of BOD (Brothers Of Destruction) on the straps. Mark and Glenn chuckle at the bra and I laugh too, "It was something I grabbed on the fly."

"The colors suit you." Glenn says.

"Of course you'd say that, it looks like I have been claimed as you and Mark's girlfriend." I say as Mark starts blacking out the HAPPY tattoo.

"Would it be a bad thing if we did?" Mark questioned and Glenn leaned forward a little bit eager for an answer.

"No it would not." I answered honestly and I could have sworn Mark paused in his tattooing for a second before resuming in inking out the words. I smile at his and Glenn's surprised faces. I lay on the bed and think of how things would be if I was their girlfriend. I sighed knowing it might not happen.

"What is wrong?" Mark asked stopping the process. Glenn walks over to the bed and waits for the answer.

"Nothing guys, I'm fine." I say and Mark goes back to inking my tattoo out as Glenn gives me the I-Know-What-You-Were-Thinking look and sits in the chair beside the bed.

After 30 minutes of a needle inking out the word on my collarbone, Mark began the tattoo on my wrist.

"Thank you Mark for doing this. I really appreciate it." I said.

"It is not a problem. I am happy to do it for a friend." He says.

I think, 'Yeah, just a friend.'

Mark finished the tattoo and then my phone went off.

Jax- Hey sis, where are you?

Ivy- With friends at the hotel.

Jax- What hotel?

Ivy- The Sinclair, I will meet you down in the lobby, bring Chibs please.

Jax- We are on our way.

Ivy- See you soon.

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