Sleeping Beauty

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Y/N couldn't sleep. Her brain was so filled with worry that it just wouldn't shut off. So she got up, put on her shoes, and headed down to the med bay. The lights were dim, but they were enough to guide her way. She entered the room and walked over to one pod in particular.

It contained a tall, muscular man. He had olive skin and dark grey eyes that were currently closed. His year in captivity has changed him; the hair at the crown of his head was stark white compared to the inky blackness of the rest of his hair and a scar marred the bridge of his nose. And then there was of course his arm. But those things, of course, were just signs of how strong he is and the miracle of his continued existence.

Y/N wished she could tell him this. How special he was. How great of a leader he was. How much she loved him.

I guess telling him this a 2 am while he was unconscious in a cryopod will have to do for now.

"For someone who is so kind, you really aren't approachable." Y/N whispered to him. "But I guess that doesn't really matter if we are talking about our personal romantic feelings. Still, if I don't tell you somehow, I think I'll go insane." Y/N let out a laugh that was partially a sob.

"I know you'll be okay, you always are. You'll be back to normal and you won't even realize that quiet little Y/N poured her heart out to you." She paused a minute, studying his peaceful face.

She stepped closer to the pod and let her fingers ghost over the glass that separated them. "Goodnight, my love."

And with that, she went back to her room and tried, once again, to sleep.


The mice scurried quickly back to Allura's chamber. Their excited chatter waking her up.

"Hm, what? What is it?" She asked them groggily.

She listened to them for a moment before sitting straight up in bed.

"Y/N said what?! I knew it!"

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