Best Intentions

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"Wait, so the mice told you that Y/N said that she was in love with Shiro?" Hunk asked

"Yes, they said she went down to the medbay last night and just said it." Allura said

"That's creepy." Keith said with a frown.

"Well, I think it is romantic. She needed to tell him, so she did. He won't remember it and she avoided facing rejection." Lance explained.

"Do you think he would really reject her though?" Pidge asked.

The room was silent for several moments. "I honestly don't know. But I know how we can find out." Lance said with a sudden gleam in his eye.

"Oh yeah, and how exactly are we going to do that?" Keith asked

"We are going to try and set them up. Obviously, we cannot just outright tell him. So we will do everything we can to get him to notice her." Lance said.

Their plan began when everyone gathered for breakfast. Hunk, Pidge, Keith, Lance, Coran, and Allura all rushed to sit down so there were only two seats left next to each other and one by Allura. Y/N came in and moved to take the seat by Allura.

Oh! Sorry, Y/N, you cannot sit here!" Allura said as she quickly put her feet in the chair.

"Oh, okay..." Y/N said, confused and slightly hurt. She took one of the remaining empty chairs.

Shiro came in and sat in the chair beside her. "Good morning, everyone." He greeted.

"Good morning Shiro! How are you feeling this morning? We were all worried about you. You know, Y/N worked really hard to make sure you were okay." Lance said brightly.

"Oh well then thank you, Y/N." Shiro said turning to look at her. She gave him a small smile before looking away.

As the day went on, everyone did their best to mention Y/N every chance they got. They asked her opinion, they complimented her on how she was doing, they recounted different stories involving her, anything to bring her to Shiro's attention.

Finally, it became too much. When Shiro left the room, she turned to the others. "Would you guys just stop. I know what you guys are doing and I don't appreciate it." Y/N said angrily.

"We don't know what you are talking about." Lance said innocently.

"Yeah, I am sure you don't. Either way, just stop, okay? I can't do this." Y/N said as she stomped out of the room. She passed Shiro on the way out. "What is wrong with Y/N?" Shiro asked, slightly concerned. He was met with six guilty looking faces. 

"She said she was having a rough day and needed some space. You should go talk to her though. You are the best at cheering people up." Pidge said quietly.

Shiro took another look around the room and was found that no one would look him in the eye. "I'll go and see if I can help with whatever is bothering her." He said as he turned back around and exited the room.

Fairy Tale in Space - Shiro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now